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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. xDDDDD @Bleik if you want a webhoster then i have seen a guy at vip section ( he also has 1 month trial for free i think for everyplan ) but if the site is nothing big you can even host it from your pc
  2. to idio einai k se ncsoft :P uparxoun kai ta clean up quests pou den ta 3eroun oi highrate fags :P
  3. giauto den pernoume pk :)
  4. viagra
  5. yaaaay! thank you! :3
  6. gogogogogo apply for a toplaner
  7. only 1 of their team was lvl 30 ...
  8. there is an F and half M for faded also its not always letters: http://uploads.fnatic.com/LOGO/Plain_Logo_medium.jpg[/img]
  9. [gr]lol tin true_light tin 3erw! [/gr] btw good luck on your match guys :D beat their asses :D
  10. Logo Wallpaper http://i.imgur.com/CvSpX.png
  11. Zancrow is a crown... LIGHTING-FIRE DRAGON ROAR <3
  12. kai egw me wizard 8a mpw i summoner an dn to exei prolabei kaneis
  13. 8a mpw kai egw :3
  14. you are part of the team or you are proud cause there is a big greek team?
  15. and you are talking about?
  16. so this is gonna be for example: Summoner name Aecetia, team name FM so ingame the name will be FM Aecetia? without renaming it? the rest are clear to me about the teams and such
  17. se auto ftaiei i elliniki paideia kai nai simfonw, px egw ta arxisa kapou 2a lukeiou
  18. oti grafeis px se pc, kinito k auta lew ok. alla na blepw atoma na grafoun greeklish kai se xarti ekei einai katantia :P
  19. etsi einai, den uparxei logos na alla3eis mia glwssa pou tin xrisimopoiouse ena e8nos san tropo epikinonias xronia tora. Kai diladi enas pou menei xronia sto e3oteriko autos den einai ellinas epeidi den milaei ellinika?
  20. ama eistai perifanoi ellines gt den grafete me arxaia kai ta loipa kai apla grafete mia glwssa pou einai ftiagmeni etsi gia autous pou bariontousan na bazoun o3ies kai dasies? to idio pragma einai kai ta greeklish tora
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