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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. paei polu komple simfona me to manga
  2. the page of Anonymous at FB they ask from us to find bugs for them... they are against child pornografy this season so they will not even bother for FB xD
  3. hmm Rift has a big community, there is a trial if you want to test it ( no private servers yet )
  4. ka8e kuriaki to bradi nomizw
  5. apo ta kalutera zeugaria einai, i levy einai 20 xronwn btw :P
  6. esu to diavases >.>
  7. to manga einai to Fairy Tail... SPOIL FOR MANGA READERS: btw o Makarov den pai8enei kai o master ginete o Macao! :3 Bisca kai Alzack i pos ton lene pantreuonte :3 O Gildatz einai o pateras tis Cana kai nai o Laxus epistrefei :3 oloi zoune btw
  8. i always carry the game with my jungling skills xD even with the tank rammus yesterday >.>
  9. i will buy her for sure :) cause: i love dragons (i made sooooooo many requests at riot for a dragon champion or at least one official legendary dragon skin for anivia) she is melee and she can be played as a jungler too ( since my main role now is jungling lol xD )
  10. Cobra is just awesome :) you knew his snake Cuberus is now working at the Fairy Tail guild as waitress? :D she is starting to remember the voice of Cobra when she was saying: i want to hear your voice. So i think he will be released from jail one day :3
  11. LAXUS TON LENE RE BLAKA http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Laxus_Dreyar
  12. http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/vindictive-vayne-90744 this guide is kinda better :3
  13. i read all the mangas so i know more about you :P btw OLD EPISODES ARE OLD :3
  14. oracion seis* LOL
  15. its all about dungeons XD the theme is that you are some kind of "slave" by those monsters and you have to get stronger in order to free yourself
  16. you have to wait until i will do all of them
  18. egw 8a elega ama me kerdiseis se 1v1 :3
  19. yeap :3 8elei apla na sto pei apo konta me tetoio tropo wste na min stenaxwre8eis
  20. SPOIL: none will die from Fairy Tail :D but it has something to do with Lucy ^^
  21. i cried first time with an anime at this weeks manga chapter of Fairy Tail... you will feel ULTRA HUGE pain when this episode reach anime :D
  22. rocks but you will get dissapointed to wait every week for one episode XD Fairy Tail has 102 episodes until now
  23. you dont like one piece and ao no exorcist then :D its not that kind of mages ^^
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