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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. lack of time + i need the money
  2. I would like to sell my account some infos about it: Owned champions 59: Runes: this one is unfinished 31 skins [you can pm me for more infos about what skins i have] more infos will be added soon or just pm me price: just pm me offers
  3. bump Flare <3
  4. Naruto is the kid version of the anime [ you MUST watch it first ] then Shippuden is the teen-adult version that is still Ongoing but about to end too
  5. at the top 5 free to play games, Vindictus has the first place for the highest graphics... you will not find a free to play game with better graphics than Vindictus
  6. "IF YOU DO NOT THRUST ME, DO NOT PM ME. " change it since it's wrong and perverted! btw good luck
  7. can i have a link of the website?
  8. only if Dask is not online XD i want to torture him xD
  9. how much elo i must have to join one of them? :o
  10. i do at Q,W,E except from the ulti xD
  11. she has weird style XD but kinda cute :3 my examples XD
  12. a special program for colouring :P like photoshop but kinda easier ^^
  13. she uses Sai for sure XD
  14. even with the tablet the result will be almost the same XD you must use first Adobe Illustrator with pen tool for the linearts and then you must use the photoshop for coloring! also the different between the tablet and the mouse is the colouring style! ( i use the laso + fill tool cause i use mouse )
  15. if you take 10 euro per day and you keep the 2 of them at the end of the week you have more than 10 euro to spend, 3 weeks per 1 month = 30 euro for lol. Donating 10 - 10 per week will lead to a huge amount of money. So no he is not an idiot if he has better control of his money than you [you are bored of lol > you sell the account = you earn money, if you buy a car? you will need 10+ euros per 2 days, that means that in the end of the year you will spend x2 times more money at the car instead of the lol for USELESS things ] thanks for reading
  16. right now about 130euro xD
  17. his ulti seems FPS killer XD insta buy too :P
  18. its my 4rth game xD
  19. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ziggs no informations added yet o.o
  20. after the pentakill we won and the enemy corki said: MORDEKAISER BAN
  21. i am the one who made the colour system and i stopped updating it since Freya, only with 3rd party programms you will be able to make one now
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