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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. i was thinking that i made a cool pentakill XD your opinions? :o
  2. i have real life friend and we play lan xD so i dont think about transfering! :P i am making right now my nick name :3
  3. i will make a west account too xD
  4. Escordia


    you live at USA?
  5. penta kill with vayne + quadra in 5 mins xD
  6. Btw she is the sister of Ashe, she claims the Queen title too! so soon we will see a Queen Sejuani skin too
  7. did you checked her skills at wiki? no
  8. game of the year XD
  9. dat :3 also support must remember the time too after the jungler ( incase enemies got it )
  10. i was watching the lol wiki and i saw one upcoming hero: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Sejuani your opinions? EDIT: she has same building style like fizz... also she has 2 slows and 1 aoe stun... seems legit
  11. stop bumping dead threats.
  12. this topic is 1 year old... locked
  13. ti mera exoume?
  14. who's deleting the replies?
  15. Escordia

    Small dogs

    you dont like this?? its exactly like mine :3
  16. Escordia

    Small dogs

    pomeranian is hairy... if you want cute dogs and kinda small then try yorkshire ones :3
  17. this is L1: btw this will not be L3... its just a new gameplay series of Lineage called Lineage Eternal
  18. Escordia

    R.I.P SoFaKi

    yes idiots all noobs but idiot is a noob that everyone here idiots but play lol noobs
  19. Escordia

    R.I.P SoFaKi

    I am Finito -.- -Finito
  20. Escordia

    R.I.P SoFaKi

    R.I.P SoFaKi, we will remember you -Finito
  21. Sofaki - it says she is femcee and she won a battle against Tupac and that's why he died. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
  22. the logo has letters too. its and F side ways and then a half M side ways too
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