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Everything posted by jsaugs

  1. How do you make a mob with a NPC template (pixy) have a hp bar? is there a way? l2j btw
  2. prominence and fire vortex crusher <3
  3. shillen elder would be best.. emp, wm, recharges, basic buffs. you can always buy greater magic haste pots from preist of dawn. however, id reccomend making a prophet too on another account
  4. heavens wail, back in interlude was my favorite by far. too bad its down for good -.-
  5. if you pve alot leveling up, and you have no mp pots.. -con is an option, you wouldnt really want 2 -str, cause ull wack mobs w/o blows for shit. as far as pvp goes, youll be using ur blows mostly.. so -str for that
  6. ee and bishop can kill anybody in gracia olympiad.
  8. omg.. i can't wait. im going to play retail also xD
  9. omg.. that's really cool. ty for share wtf.. they changed the inventory again? UGHH
  10. everyone from a high rate will say paladin ofc. but on retail, da is good for pvp/pve.. and so is sk with their para skills. sk is my fav :D
  11. pfft. why did you delete this? i wanted to see it.. lol
  12. this actually works on my server.. ty for the share but it will take a very long time to do :/
  13. these videos are cool.. haha that would be awesome if they made a real l2 movie tho ;o
  14. i played a server where this was enabled before, it is possible.
  15. This sounds intresting, I'll probably give it a try. btw, are your forums down atm?
  16. cool guide, ty.
  17. ty, but i think it's posted already i think and i don't understand the last part :s
  18. l2 ofc xD
  19. this is useful on retail, it's hard to make money there when you start off and dont want to buy adena off the internet xD :p
  20. if you're smart and use tactics, you can easily heal up to 1k+ hp in less than around 3 seconds (not sure about exact time, but it's pretty fast). if you ask anyone i know, i'm the biggest pw fanboi and i honestly can't stand when people bash this class. it is by far the best dagger overall. 1v1 against a th? ofc they will have a low chace of winning, but hey.. sometime's you just get luck. 1v1 around any other class? you're sure to have a victory.
  21. this helped alot, thank you!
  22. hahaha, creative!
  23. jean grey, dayum she's awesome. nah, but sorc-pp is pretty cool.. atleast for olympiad :3
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