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Everything posted by misterli

  1. dont work for me .... or i dont understand ;/
  2. Nice trick But In the most servers frenzy,zealot...thx
  3. thx useful in low rate servers and some mid servers
  4. Nice share dude gonna try it ..nice evelina ^^
  5. I do not understand .... but someone tested...
  6. that's changing the address, not changing IP address.. you only need to use proxy server to change ur ip:P
  7. hahahhaa nice parodi =))i go and donwald
  8. thx for hack i go and test nad raport u work or no :P
  9. thanks anni i dont play source
  10. i don't understand ....:| but thx for share
  11. have virus?...
  12. nice ....its have virus -;S
  13. thx for share ...work for me ... whanks again
  14. dont work for me .... ilegal GM consultation .. and jail me :|
  15. In DN when u change to ur DN SUB for example sh/sk, u switch to sk u will have STATS of SH not SK at least that u relog, but if u dont want to relog u make a switch to ur SUB RETAIL, and then back switch to ur normal SUB SK in this case, and u will have your normals STATS without reloggin xD
  16. good things testing!!!nice
  17. nice share it doesnt work on all servers because most of them dont use ur mp to buff u so but its good on the servers
  18. lol man........
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