tha most funny video i've ever seen xa0ax0ax0ax0xa0xa0ax0xa0ax0 if i wanted on porpuse to do that not even in 1 month to do it xa0xa0ax0ax0ax0ax0axa00axxa0ax0
kane euresi prin postareis exei lithei to provlima sou se pola paromoia post.
defteron eisai se lathos meros gia na kaneis auto to post
triton an metafraseis ta aglika leei oti exeis lathos password sto config sou.
but still is the best option.... or if you have time search in russian sites other packs.
but i still recomment l2j even if it is back is the best option considering the "l2off like"
any other private or not might need money or bad coding usually..
thats what i know so far
No you are not noob you are missinformed and your brain knows shit of History.
Gj once again many events this week from Boorinio thats amazing keep it up!!!!
prin agoraseis kati pou an psakseis mporeis na to kaneis monos sou sou proteinw na sou mathw kai na sou ftiaksw gia arxi to pack pou zitas ston ipologisti sou kai an apofasiseis argotera i katefthian se aiteria stile mou minima
I like the "PROBLES"
Why You Have Each Letter Capital?.!
But best part...the judging "DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON NEW FAIL SERVERS!!!" just wtf you are the best!!!
Bump already? wtf ?thats spam.. may i ask what pack you used?
PVP server i recommend l2jhellas
or l2jfrozen for more retail like and low rate
the acis have lot of things not working yet... and who knows when they will work.
i think that you got karma for nothing i also have this source with *HWID and menu for players i dont see that you did something great here with no offence but w/e
in my oppinion you would deserved karma if you shared the engine of this stupid menu / HWID etc..
can i ask why you cry and talking about esios? you know how many projects open and close? this moment is l2jhellas the only custom pack you can find active stop crying and instead go help.