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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. use != null in RequestEnchantItem in line 361 first photo use in siege class in line 735 !=null again for second photo but whatever stop using dead projects lol
  2. mxc looks like vanganths also.. btw 6/10 for the design...
  3. nai exei ekei sta config kai sto core pou einai parapeiragmeno kai malwn vgazei kapnous pane diavase ta rules prin kaneis post kai des oti prepei na dwseis kai kapia info an thes voitheia
  4. php script pou kanei check an einai on o server auto den ekane kai to site auto? kai aporw pou to thimithikes...
  5. i would actually let him be with that logo its just a text not an actual logo
  6. "you cannot to enter, if you have 50 level or higher" your english are killing me i cant even imagine what else is inside... and ofc NOT RECOMMENDED i checked the shared version its full of sh1t...
  7. you will propably be scammed or you will more propably will scam but thats a possibility good luck if you offer $$ contact me else dont
  8. ti egine re frozen tou 1 mina kolises stin java? tha se voithousa alla kai na ithela den dixneis ta swsta errors, an thelei kapios na se voithisei tha thelei na dei to kokkino meros pou vgazei sto eclipse oxi tin class ides emathes kati kai simera
  9. den exete katalavei tipota etsi? to thema den einai an tha apantisw i oxi kai oute me desmevei kaneis ama goustarw apantaw ama den ... etsi exei to provlima sas twra pio sinexizei na einai kai asxoleiste mazi mou den kserw..
  10. an to dwraki einai sigekrimeno kai dinete mprosta steile mou munima na sou diksw to ti tha sou diksw tha sto pw prin to dwraki kai an thes to dwrizeis
  11. exw apli apantisi gia sena giati avrio tha rotisei kati allo kai den tha mathei na to ftiaxnei elpizw na se kalipsa egw den se kserw, kserw oti mpikes me team kai failares. to an tha mpw simenei oti tha afisw douleia pou kanw kai ama afisw douleia xanw xrimata mpenw prwi kai vradi gia na voithisw kanenan i na ton kathodigisw sto na vrei ti ftaiei auto tipota parapanw ta upoloipa mpourdes.
  12. ta hosts tou upologisti ta epsakses pou anarotieme edw kai meres pou prospathw na tou vrw tropo estw me mia foto na ta diksei? e den tha katsw na tou glifw to afti mpas kai katalavei me ligo mpineliki ama strwsei to kolo tou katw kai vrei to koumpi sto laptop pou leei me megala gramata Prt Scr kai to patisei den tha tou figei o kolos to olo thema einai networking kai to exw eksigisei idi se proigoumeno post esi apla mpikes ides vgikes les kai ikseres ti ekanes doulevw san texnikos upologistwn 9misi xronia kai exw kai diplwma panw se auto to tomea ama den kserei na vgalei mia photo kai na kanei edit ena arxeio me notepad sigxwrese me pou tha ton vrisw tin stigmi pou paei na anoiksei lineage poso malwn afou tou eipan panw apo 2 fores ti na kanei estw kai me prive minimata pou ekane o xristis wolfgiasena oso gia ta quotes den sou zitisa na mou peis tis dinatotites sou sou eipa apla min mou prizeis ta @@
  13. pw pw den eida apantisi pou leei oti to elise kai katefthian na mou tin pesete noobakia oute akuros eimai oute tin glwssa mou tha kopsw to forum exei kapious kanones otan kaneis register... rikse ena mati otan elina provlimata sto l2 akoma mathenate tin odiseia sto gumnasio kai den kserw ti to pezete teleftaia edw mesa pante anoikste ton frozen sas mazi me ton server tou 1 mina kai moko
  14. 2o post(itan restriction) to elise nai... mipos to elisa poio prin sto allo diplo post?....
  15. pws to elise? mipos itan kapio restriction config opws eipa? trollareis? fastcow kalo einai na les pws to elises gia kapion allo pou tha exei to idio provlima na kserei tin lush
  16. min kaneis quote ta posts mou oute nohma vgazoun auta pou les oute esi ekanes auto pou eipa parolo pou mpikes sto pc tou lol kai parolo pou leei oti ton vrizoune se kapia high class posts ta opoia den vlepw egw akoma den kserei na vgalei mia photo
  17. ti einai auta pou diavazw ti access levels stamatiste na kapnizete ligmena xasia re file gia na min doulepse auto pou sou eipa simenei oti kati allo kaneis lathos i to pack einai gia to pe0s i mporei na thelei na to valeis ston C:/ i den ekanes swsta auto pou sou eipa steile kai ena print screen to error na mas diafwtiseis
  18. its the pack you use for starters... secondly test the dedicated up/down speeds and !PING <- IMPORTANT after those with a better pack and good network connection means you have been scammed.
  19. me koroideveis twra etsi? :poker face:
  20. exei kapia config clan oath armor restrictions kanta false GG
  21. filaraki pane sto fakelo config tou GAME server mpes mesa sto fakelo config dimiourgise ena arxeio hexid.txt grapse auta: HexID=1 ServerID=1 kane save & exit vima deftero pas sto navicat anoigeis tin vasi psaxneis to trapezi 'gameservers' kai grafeis sta server_id kai hexid 1 kai 1 antistoixa kaneis ctrl+s (save diladi) kleineis ta panta kai anoigeis ama den doulepsei parata to l2
  22. kala oti gia na kaneis print screen se laptop tha xreiazotan programa mou irthe touvlo sto kefali... oso gia ta upoloipa eipe ta kane alla tpt dokimase o filos tou pou kserei apo pc kai pali tipota egw pragmatika an dwsei tis plirofories pou zitisa (pou mporei na tis vrei sto google) tha ton eixa voithisei alla den thelei profanws alliws tha asxoliotan epi tou thematos
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