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Everything posted by EtEяNiTy™

  1. actually I believe the art of the aim that f0rest can control is by far much better than making a video. he is one of the best aimers according to polls that have been made.
  2. Although, I have never tested I have heard that brute force is quite an old method. I have also heard that you can also use it direclty for l2, not only forums. Btw is the program safe? I guess it's not.
  3. the answer http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/25699-SpawN_I_have_never_retired_from_CS
  4. yes, I am sure that Spawn is one of the best players ever. If you go at www.hltv.org you can see demos about him. Although I dont have steam CS and consequently I can see his demos I am sure that his one great player. And Sk team has the more downloads as I have seen.
  5. the one exploit with the skywalking truly rocks but u need some assistance from other people to get in that position.
  6. jajaja hotman used that yesterday on MxC non steam server-nice bug ty
  7. the trick is good when playing with bots. I used that in zero and the bots just couldn't find the bomb(xd). But when you play on internet and the enemy has seen you going on the bombsite that's the worse option to plant the bomb.
  8. I agree(vote for) blessing is better than gift, but I think in paladin both are good!!
  9. I Agree With Lain. This Is Not The Way To Summon Adena But To Drop Them... And If There Was A Way To Summon Adena Belive Me It Would Be Difficult...And The Topic Was Awful. Broken Links And Etc... So I Would Commend -1.If Any Gold,Moderator,Or Platinum Member Agrees With Thath Just Do It ;P
  10. re paidia to video den einai stimeno ali8ino einai. O Rip kai o R1p mia epoxi arxisan na misiountai opote to video den einai pseutiko. Ton poianei sinexeia anchor gt auto 8elei na deiksei sto video(siga min edixne tis alles fores p epefte koutos einai?). To anchor tote epoiane 3/5 kai o r1p(o donator den eixe jewels kai ta gm skills tou itan lvl 1 ektos to sh, eno o rip fainetai gia normal char alla exei + 50 am.btw o Rip tora paratise eno o r1p paizei me allo char,etc nomizw.
  11. All These Posts For Such A Stupid Bug??? U Must Be Kidding Right?? I Saw It And I Wanted To Kill MySelf... Omg.. I Have Nothing Else To Say...
  12. ego 8a psifiza kai gia ta 2(an ginotan) gt apo ti mia einai kalo genikotera na exeis ++ items(gia epidiksi alla kai gia stats) alla kai ta zariche/aka gt dinoun kati polu perissotero apo ta apla stats p dinoun ta jewels kai i armors---->to CP
  13. I think Karmarrows had made one video on youtube with the same guide. However, if I remember correctly the number that he used to rename the file was 255 or something similar-I dont know:s
  14. According to Maxt0r's view the server will open very soon.......We are all waiting:d
  15. se periptwsi p to mail einai fake(pou apo oti fainetai etc einai)o server 8a aniksi kanonika xwris na exoun xa8ei oi chars?
  16. einai ekneuristikotato auto to kolpo me to trade panw sto pvp. Gia auto kai stous kalous pvp servers arxizoun kai vazoun tetoiou eidous voice commands--> .tradeoff i' opos alliws to onomazei o server.
  17. when you say the trick with the other character, I say: Yeah, I suppose that works; but when you say that after this trick there will be unlimited BSOE in the NPC, I say that's very interesting.thx
  18. file m prwta na dokimazeis kai meta na milas gia test bug. Tetoiou eidous exploits den pernane pleon[(enchant ennow)isos na douleuei ena enchant hack apo ton ~serk alla 8a se gelasw gt den to exo dokimasei ka8ws den exo ta posts. @6885342687 to sini8ismeno enchant hack p kseroume egine fixed ston core apo ton proigoumeno augousto. Ta trade bug leitourgousan alla nomizw ftiaxtikan prin apo liges meres.
  19. That's a cool Idea Maxt0r!!
  20. Esy eisai kalos re!!To apoetelesma tou ka8enos einai fantastiko an kai i douleia fainetai diskoli alla a3izei ton kopo.
  21. Oreos re poli kalo guide!! Keep On :P
  22. I agree that blane can do a good enough work for this purpose.Think about it maxtor.
  23. oreo video blane!! oi newbies 8a to katanoisoun amesos an to doun.Nice Work!!! ;)
  24. aytos einai o k4rma kalos se oti kanei!!! mpravo re sinexise etsi ;) good job
  25. e re oloi kollima me ayto to bug. Koita3te an yparxei prin anoi3ete ena topic to exoun posterei idi arketes fores..
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