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Everything posted by ciasteczkowyp

  1. lol, people still make +15 skill enchants in interlude servers and they really do have less than 1% chance total to do it. Why not do Your weapon +30 on that server? It doesn't seem to be "that" hard. good luck anyways
  2. I think there aren't. Yeah there's a virus, there's also a l2.exe on his website. Anyway this virus is easy to be removed: http://www.sophos.com/support/disinfection/jeefoa.html You extract the patch to a folder, run sophos's app and it removes the trojan from l2.exe pretty lame patch, but server looks decent. It might just be a yet another packer glitch. Remember that all l2 patched systems have the default ncsoft encryption system removed (themida, also deemed as a trojan) so if any other simple patcher was used it will be viewed as a backdoor by 99% of av scanners. And not to mention : the .ucoz domain, at least be decent and make a notepad site :P
  3. ok, join this server's beta and you'll see how skill land rates will be :)
  4. ok, so: a) server is very shady b) Gm gives out items +15, +20 c) some people have full enchant d) some people have some uber custom lvl 3 zerk spirits, bless the bodies lvl 10 and so on e) I think that this kid admin just plays on his own server and gives +++ and goodies to friends so the conclusion is: dead server with endless farm - avoid . corruption - not a question, pretty obvious how do you explain people with full enchants and +15 skills [sic!] in interlude ?
  5. too many customs I think.
  6. so, there's 1 adena zone where farmed people pk every low lvl that comes in, very, very intelligent of you man <irony there>
  7. star wars, that's all I can say. if You like servers that have more gm's than players online, join.
  8. 8 PM GMT +2 Today afaik.
  9. aurelia today, x15 but stucksub XD tho totally low rate style.
  10. no rb jewels in olympiad? So this means that tanks eat all.
  11. ucoz domain ucoz default site template UGLY site mate, just change it... anything in notepad will be better. [edit] aaand it's down... bb you lived a very long life (<24h) mr server.
  12. previews, it's not on "yet" and will be locked...
  13. homehosted and op customs, 2 second pvp. as above ;p
  14. l2.net user ? :P there's an xml setting in server config to disable max single connection limit.
  15. and server starts in 40 minutes, yes ?
  16. any customs ? if there are please write them down... low enchant rate makes for a fairly balanced server. And also this x1k server is new or is wiped every month ?
  17. did you get any explanation from hz staff? They usually send an email...
  18. haven't you opened this server a few times already mate ?
  19. judging from forum "Most users ever online was 12 on Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:31 pm" kinda dead.
  20. And here's why -Crystal Scroll (100% chanse) = 5 Euro -Special Accesory (500 Mdef/500 Pdef/500 Matk/500 Patk) = 35 Euro -Change Character Name = 5 Euro -Change Character Gender = 5 Euro -Change Main class = 5 Euro -Change Clan Name = 5 Euro -255 Recommendations = 10 Euro -Nobless Status = 15 Euro -Level 85 = 10 Euro -Hero (2weeks) = 30 Euro -Clan lvl 10 with full clanskils = 20 Euro -Premium account (char lvl 85,nobles,Armor and Jws+16) = 80 Euro Also, lvl 85 char on interlude, interesting ^^
  21. interlude mate. and one more thing I think it lags too much.
  22. everything would be cool if not those buff slots, just decrease them to 30 or so then not everyone will have full resists edit: rb jewels in shop is not a great idea too ;/
  23. I don't like the buff times but I'll still give this server a try.
  24. even when I copied your system + systextures + animations, I couldn't see any of those custom shop things and crashed to desktop. tho: apella armor that gives +100% p.atk p.def and m.def is not a good idea in any possible way.
  25. good aproach towards an ad campaign. anyways I can't wait, it will be epic ^^
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