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Everything posted by ciasteczkowyp

  1. you'll have an empty server if you keep giving greeks items. no jail can fix that hehehe you retarded kid.
  2. disregard: full corruption
  3. yeah dude, I should get 2k with cdl crit with those buffs and full resists. this server is so full of fail, I just like the players. your balance sucks and you'll see people qq at first sieges for sure. So: Phantom Ranger CRITS me for 800 with HEX. and Mage CRITS me for 2149 with SURRENDER. Do You see any UNBALANCE? also the things You did to upset any possible balance: Introduced +20% p.def +15% hp armors Introduced +20% p.atk/m.atk weapons Didn't introduce any +20% m.def accessory/armor mod Only a blind man can't see which classes get stronger this way.
  4. All of the above has been written by the guy, who doesn't want players to know exact enchant rates on the server and also ignores 90% questions. Your credibility is comparable to fox news's evening lineup. Here's a list of screenshots with PROOF,and you're the lying dude here: Full Buffs Full Resists 0 Zerk All jewel enchants print-screen'd All dmg shown on pi, now You can see how strong are mages here, seriously do you expect all tanks to go around with -9 STR dyes, only con armor and health weapons in pvp because otherwise they have 8k hp and mages can actually kill them before they even run up to use a STUN?! Jewels Proof Tateossian Necklace +8 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/necklace.jpg Tateossian Earring +13 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/earring1.jpg Tateossian Earring +13 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/earring2.jpg Tateossian Ring +13 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/ring1.jpg Tateossian Ring +13 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/ring2.jpg All Buffs without zerk http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/buffswithoutzerk.jpg 2129 Damage with ALL RESISTS! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/NEuRO-1986/2129dmgwithfullresist.jpg
  5. so Tank with Dark Resistance Song of Invocation Divine protection Jewels Necklace +8 Earrings and rings +13 2226 mdef Gets hit by Necro for 2759 man this is not balance, this is bullshit on your server.
  6. mages are powerfull here ,that is true. but it's fun to get rb jewels on Your own hehe
  7. so, if You want to play as a fighter: a) Resist songs/dances last 120 seconds b) Resist buffs from hierophant/elven saint/shilen saint last 20 minutes No chance, overlord hits here for 1/3 life into tanks XD
  8. I don't mean my feedback to be negative, there are things that need some work but server is really good, no BOTS, no HACKS, custom fun zones, it might grow to be very good :) Just it needs some improvement! :)
  9. and to be honest cut the crap with enchant rates. 50% is what I'm guessing, since 100 weapons burned and 1 went to +11... Edit: You should at least balance out super crazy mage damage on this server And Post weapon and armor stats somewhere ;/
  10. so there are many texture holes and characters fall through them... I mean walking a straight corridor in mos or even running up the stairs in aden... that's an issue here. and another thing, I have to say that there's a lot of farm, really a lot good luck tho, this server is interesting and has good protection +! :) also geodata is tragic like hell mobs fall under textures when following you, take a train and run 2 rooms, the mobs are gone and won't come back... ;/
  11. What timezone is Your server in ?
  12. I'll check it out then, looks promising :):)
  13. 17 people agree that your site and server is total crap. XD edit: also darkn00b: If You don't like to hear honest opinions about Your server, don't post it on forums or don't read posts ? Or better yet, route it to localhost and:
  14. 1k+++ an no info or website? xD I'll believe when I see those people :P
  15. yeah well, it doesn't work this way here ;P a) decent npc's b) no significant lag c) standard datapack features without major bugs, tho it's hard which rev are you runnig since there's like 30 of the m atm. what I don't like a) overpowered masks b) lack of things to do except boring farm. so if You'll get a lot of people to play on this server it migh be fun, atm it's just work.
  16. wrong section. most data packs have balance file where You can adjust classes.
  17. a) You didn't even bother to set up auto pickup b) stupid system messages, swearing 24/7 doesn't make Your server look cool. It makes it look incredibly dull. c) crappy teleporter with small font and no tp confirmation d) dual box tvt events e) gm shop till b grade without jewels ^^ ax0ax0
  18. good apporach, no need to hurry.
  19. no it's not, it's just poorly protected. Tho the pack is quite neat. I have to say that You mad the server too easy, 1 week = skill enchants +++, weapon and armor max, ton of augments and everyone bored.
  20. ain't a bad mid rate, join if you like this kind of gameplay. don't expect the server to be easy tho.
  21. long live thread necromancy :>
  22. yeah there seems to be a problem with patch I suggest that You use multiupload and fork the patch to 5-6 sites not just 1, this way everyone has a high chance of getting it.
  23. kinda similar to l2 shax. any features that distinguish You ? also quick heal pots for killing 20 mobs, too cheap... oh yeah right, there's just more farm.
  24. well there's 0 balance on all servers in pvp and top armors/weapons you can use in olympiad on shock is said to be A grade so that's not bad :>
  25. so, I don't like the uneven enchants idea. I also don't like the fact that to add sa to a grade You have to hunt 250 mobs in mos, this is too much, I can't imagine how many mobs You'd have to farm to get S grades. Party mobs are resistant to all debuffs, that kinda sucks that You can't utilize pve skills of certain classes cuz they always fail. Anyways, server looks nice but there's too much farm x100 for me, it reminds me of some low rates.
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