if You give custom items that make characters so powerful:
(+30% p.atk is like difference between +3 weapon and +20) !!!
and make them extremely cheap on start + then make them more expensive
people who farm them first will PWN, literally exterminate everyone else on server.
result: empty server with 2-3 awesome +++ players dying out in a week.
think about it man. customs are fine when they're @$@$@ hard to get, or from super hard raids or sth. I know the guy who posted some of these items, when he runs his failserver he at least makes those items worth a week of non stop farm so a month on a server. then there are people bitching about it but pvp doesn't last 3 seconds and people don't leave!.
so, first think server through then start it. this is my advice.
look at some of the biggest servers, when they have weak customs then you can get them in a WEEK, not a day. powerful customs = 1 month on all "farmservs", anyway those farmservs get 100+ population. why? cuz it's a better solution then starwars.