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Everything posted by ciasteczkowyp

  1. as stated in how to connect guide You're not allowed to create pokemon'ish names "Make sure that the first letter is in CAPITAL, is 8 digits long and contains no special symbols (~!@#$%^&*()_+) or numbers."
  2. ok , first of all retail buff times: phopet/elder/wc/ol: 20 min standard 40 min improved 5 min prophecies song/dance: 2 min standard kamael impulses: 15 sec standard don't tell me that those last hours on retail. songs +30 time can get You 5 minutes impulses +30 time can get You 30 seconds not hours. All in all the nonsence in this server's presentation stands and makes me lol ^^
  3. can't You read the topic? "The server is going to open on the 5th of January." the first line man, rtfm XD
  4. as shocking as it is but I'll defend highquality here. this is a free forum, people can say what they want about servers. Alt+f4 Your browser if You don't want to read it.
  5. # Buffs time retail like and # Buffer- 1 hour buffs time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants have You been drinking to contradict Yourself ? ;p
  6. @gspzoumhs all 5 .ucoz bogus sites + servers were banned from hopzone. serves You right mate.
  7. get the patch: http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/downloads/system.rar or updater: http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/downloads/athebaldtupdater.rar server is online, it's hosting has been changed so it appears offline in hopzone.
  8. bump after my other topics got locked. not to mention that this serv got reposted once a week not like some pokemon members did (2-ce a day), and it was not bumped every hour. but no, it's better to lock everything right ? well your crapsite your rules. anyways join. and btw l2net v388 is autobanned there :P so join to check
  9. man, but You're making bogus default sites with identical templates to get players on Your still 5-10 online server. look who's talking you cheap cheater. :>
  10. yep that dumbass is creating bogus servers to attract attention to his fail. anyhow he's got 5-10 people online so he fails hard :)
  11. 1 important thing to say about both versions: freya and interlude . This server is no-donate and fun. No corruption it's really hard to find another server like it ^^. so join :)
  12. pride +30 power in p. atk -> gives +40% p.atk m. atk -> gives +40% m.atk crit -> gives +40% crit rate ---------------------------------- this is how it works in lol 2 java now. Ever read what You have in Your own files dummy ? and 1 tyrannousaur in your server = 50 gcm worth of adena, so enchants +30 for everyone.
  13. another craplude server ^^
  14. ok that vote popup sucks. I certainly don't like servers that force me to vote.
  15. ok 1. I wrote to You personally that giving kamaels pride buff for 4 hours is a mistake. You ignored this. Then kamaels >>> everything that stood and You're tellin me that I'm a hater. You're a damn ignorant and that's what I wanted to point out. Some of those things could have been avoided if You "gm" had at least a tiny shred of imagination. Anyway, server tested, failed, next ;)
  16. interlude + kamaels. whatever :>
  17. minor adena bugs. where are the dynasty/moirai and vorpal armors ? Nice but too easy, people with dark blue s84's already in a few hours.
  18. ok gonna test it now. I hope that it won't be a fail.
  19. adena bugs everywhere. +16 people already. Soulhound >> all. Steal divinity reuse is 3 seconds and takes from 5 to 20 buffs, curse of divinity reuse is 4 seconds and hits up to 20k (full hp+cp hits). pride of kamael for 4 hours, all kamaels have +40 % p.atk or m.atk $hitty gm bb
  20. balance's screwed up there. tank >> all.
  21. anything specific about this server ?
  22. any word about Your high rate ?
  23. Join Us Now! Site Forum Welcome to Athebaldt, recently reborn PvE and PvP server! Open since 5-th of November. Here's a preview Rates XP: 25.0 SP: 25.0 Party XP: 3.0 Party SP: 3.0 XP/SP Exponent: 0.0 Drop: 1.0 Spoil: 1.0 Adena: 1500.0 Quest: 1.0 (Both rewards and drop) Enchants Safe/Safe Full Body: 6 Max: 25 Normal scroll rate: 80% Blessed scroll rate: 90% Blessed function: default, if failed item goes to +0 Attributes Stones: up to lvl 4, available on custom farms Crystals: up to lvl 7, retail only (x1), collection working Buffs Dance/Songs: 15 Standard: 24+4 Divine Inspiration: Auto Learn lvl 4 Duration: 120 minutes SubClasses Maximum: 3 Quest is Required: Giran->Hardin's Private Academy->Hardin->"More than Meets the Eye" Certificates work fine! Olympiad Period: 1 month Hero award: around 181 points Minimum matches: 9 Minimum people: 2 Dualbox protection enabled, no feeding! Server Hardware Quad Core Xeon 6 GB Ram ECC 80 GB HDD 15k RPM 100 mbps network connection Server's running on a stable Linux NPC's There are 4 custom server NPC's on Athebaldt: Gatekeeper Buffer GM Shop Special Shop 4 Distinct,Custom Farms 2 Lifestone Spots Those 2 spots provide very low exp and adena drop, purely LS... nothing else! Den of Evil This is one is average for fighters and hard for mages, but not a very profitable one. You can get better adena and exp in primeval or other non custom areas On the other hand, fighters get nice area buffs there, too bad they last for 60 seconds or less ;) Crypts of Disgrace This farm is easy for fighters and medium for mages, it has the highest lifestone drop Lifestone spot drops Lifestones lvl 80 Mid Lifestones lvl 80 High Lifestones lvl 80 Lifestones 1 Giant's Codex Spot Anomic Foundry Giant's Codex Chocolate Cookie Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B) All 6 Elemental Stone Types 1 Boss Jewels Spot with Hard party mobs Seed of Annihilation This farm is very hard and requires a party play or a very, very strong +++ character. Seed of Annihilation works like in Freya, there are 3 Areas and each one has shifting area buffs. Apiga Golden Apiga Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S) Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S) Other Features Easy to get Noblesse, just get 2kkk adena and lvl 80+, on special shop's dialog choose "become noblesse" and You're done! All standard items cost adena, except boss jewels Tattoos that give only P.Def, go to GM shop, select "Special" and then "Tattoo" PvP Belts Many hair accesories Agathions and new freya bracelets + transformation scrolls Boss jewels for Golden Apiga and Apiga Armors up to A grade are free!(You can sell them for 0 and crystals up to a grade are worth 0 too, no adena bugs! New Features When leveling up mobs from lvl 1 to 70 drop mouse coins Those coins can be then used in order to get rb jewels! Remember that You have to get a lot of them and then exchange for apigas :) Join Us Now! Site Forum
  24. low population, haters all over the global chat. When I logged in it was like 200 lines per minute, everyone cursing on everyone else... wtf ^^
  25. ax0ax0a but why make a scheme for 5 minutes if there are scheme buffers that can make the same thing in 30 seconds and don't require dumb imput like 1 1, 1 2, 1 3 who the hell would use that ?? also it's easy to get a working functional teleport pack that has everything in it, this server tp pack is missing some major towns, overally it looks poor and made in a hurry. and shop npc where You have to look for an item 5 minutes because instead of putting items in order there are 150 2 handed swords of all grades mixed together, what's the point of doing that ???
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