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Everything posted by DemonPB

  1. trustable guy. 100% recommended
  2. Hey guys, im looking for a good video maker, any suggestion?
  3. Hey man, i need contact .
  4. Would u compile? can be used on advext? Niceshare.
  5. Nice configs !
  6. i Already try it and not worked, pass more days and table still running...
  7. Hello guys, sorry my english, have anyone to help me about olly ? i would like to work with 15 days period, as i know, its only possible make manualy, have anyone the procedure or command (ingame) to finish the actual period and start a new one ? Im using advext (interlude) files! Glads all!
  8. One little request : would you share some config for full chaotic zone into queen_ant area ? i ever try it but have some areas not working.
  9. Great Job !!!
  10. www.lineageii.com.br -> the best Interlude configuration... merge Retail mode with PvP mode!
  11. Hello all, i would like know if is possible change the option from create subclass as lvl 40 to lvl 76,im using Interlude l2off (fred pack- AdvExt64). I tried change the store procedure (lin_AddSubjob) where : BEGIN INSERT INTO user_subjob (char_id, hp, mp, sp, exp, level, henna_1, henna_2, henna_3, subjob_id, create_date) VALUES (@char_id, @hp, @mp, @sp, 931275828, 76, @henna_1, @henna_2, @henna_3, @subjob_id, getdate()) But not sucess! Gratz for all help!
  12. Can be a great server, i will be there!!!!!!
  13. Ok, so, can you explain me how this mathematic can result in 5 days + 8 hours randon ? respawn=168hour respawn_rand=24hour ????? 168 hours = 7 days 24 hours is diferent of 8 hours, So whats the magic for this numbers return 5 days + 8 hous???
  14. OMG, how can be so retard....? My friend, isnot easy, you so retard, we cant change only respawn_rand=48hour need some diference for respawn=168hour, appear be easy but isnot, becouse i putted respawn=168hour respawn_rand=24hour and not stay 4 hours randon.... maybe you only work with JAVA servers and java is realy easy , but l2off isnot so easy, cant change only one number, need make some change in both times to have effect, so... DO NOT DISTURB IF YOU CANT HELP!
  15. Are you crazy , retard.. this isnot easy.. respawn=168hour respawn_rand=48hour this is 5days + 8 hours randon, if is so easy whats the time for 5days + 2 hours???????????? If you cant help, dont post pls. Dont be a retard!
  16. I would like know how can be configured the randon time respaw from epic boss, i would like change the randon time respaw from Baium, antharas and valakas to 2 hr only. The retail config is : respawn=168hour respawn_rand=48hour dbname=[baium] respawn=264hour respawn_rand=72hour dbname=[valakas] respawn=264hour respawn_rand=72hour dbname=[antharas1] If anyone can explain how is made this time... Thx a lot!
  17. www.lineageii.com.br Thats all 15x 1500+ on L2off
  18. www.lineageii.com.br 15xInterlude l2off Me and my clan is there! 1500+ ON
  19. i would like to buy ready C4 off server with fixed bugs and all the other staffs.. For more info pm me and give me ur price too.. thx in advance!
  20. C3 not run in win7 plataform 64 bits , any fix for this ?
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