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About DemonPB

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  1. trustable guy. 100% recommended
  2. Hey guys, im looking for a good video maker, any suggestion?
  3. Hey man, i need contact .
  4. Would u compile? can be used on advext? Niceshare.
  5. Nice configs !
  6. i Already try it and not worked, pass more days and table still running...
  7. Hello guys, sorry my english, have anyone to help me about olly ? i would like to work with 15 days period, as i know, its only possible make manualy, have anyone the procedure or command (ingame) to finish the actual period and start a new one ? Im using advext (interlude) files! Glads all!
  8. One little request : would you share some config for full chaotic zone into queen_ant area ? i ever try it but have some areas not working.
  9. Great Job !!!
  10. www.lineageii.com.br -> the best Interlude configuration... merge Retail mode with PvP mode!
  11. Hello all, i would like know if is possible change the option from create subclass as lvl 40 to lvl 76,im using Interlude l2off (fred pack- AdvExt64). I tried change the store procedure (lin_AddSubjob) where : BEGIN INSERT INTO user_subjob (char_id, hp, mp, sp, exp, level, henna_1, henna_2, henna_3, subjob_id, create_date) VALUES (@char_id, @hp, @mp, @sp, 931275828, 76, @henna_1, @henna_2, @henna_3, @subjob_id, getdate()) But not sucess! Gratz for all help!
  12. Can be a great server, i will be there!!!!!!
  13. Ok, so, can you explain me how this mathematic can result in 5 days + 8 hours randon ? respawn=168hour respawn_rand=24hour ????? 168 hours = 7 days 24 hours is diferent of 8 hours, So whats the magic for this numbers return 5 days + 8 hous???
  14. OMG, how can be so retard....? My friend, isnot easy, you so retard, we cant change only respawn_rand=48hour need some diference for respawn=168hour, appear be easy but isnot, becouse i putted respawn=168hour respawn_rand=24hour and not stay 4 hours randon.... maybe you only work with JAVA servers and java is realy easy , but l2off isnot so easy, cant change only one number, need make some change in both times to have effect, so... DO NOT DISTURB IF YOU CANT HELP!
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