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Everything posted by hav0c

  1. hmm, from old ones probably "some like it hot". From more up to date ones.. dunno, would hardly pick one 0o maybe roadtrip? too much sf lately, so i totally forgot about comedy =/
  2. gk: casillas or julio cesar ------------------------ rb: sergio ramos, zanetti(argentinian) cb: puyol cb: cambiasso(midfielder actually...) lb: dani alves ------------------------ lc: kaka, or ribery c: xavi c: iniesta,pirlo rc: cristiano ronaldo ------------------------ rf: messi lf: ibrahimovic
  3. ok one word: mechanic! (dolph lundgren is ur hero! :D:D)
  4. hav0c

    Spiders OMFG.

    well,č i LOVE spiders and snakes :D i got a snake, but when i have the time im gonna buy a mexican red kneed spider(brachypelma smiithi). dunno why people are soooo freaked out fo no reason >.<
  5. hav0c

    Game list

    tried out: wow (utter crap and waste of time...) lineage(best mmo ever :D) eve online(maybe a bit TOO massive! and u really cant do squat alone...) got a beta test key for aion but never used it, since even the prospect of seeing damage float out of ur head, is disgusting!
  6. i know its an old topic but still so common, so ill leave my opinion anyway. cracked or paid id vote for nod32, since its less resource hungry then kaspersky. if u dont care, kaspersky is also a nice option. if u want a free one, avast seems the best. avg and avira are going painfully downhill...
  7. Its a must! Really one of the best games I've ever played. Great storyline and its very fun to play ;)
  8. Nice job man ;) hope you post some more guides :)
  9. so: rock, jazz and blues!!!!
  10. on the contrary... warriors are more boring then druids if you know how to use a druid my experience with druid was far better then with warrior
  11. everyone forgot on a good ol' rickroll?!?!?
  12. cool finallyan english ver. got russian the last time i downloaded it =/
  13. haha it actually works.. i did that at a server a while ago.. but its rather odd to be able to fight in cities.
  14. blah at that point i ask myself whether its wise to play l2 privately.. i mean lots of wasted time for a server getting wiped out ..
  15. if mana is not the problem(mana pots cheap), then soultaker, otherwise mage do tire quickly
  16. dunno on retail but in my experience gladiator guys did very well. i had a necro, but got knocked out easily due to low hp...
  17. interlude.. tho honestly becausy its soooo easily exploitable 0o
  18. the one and only reason: pvp. there is no mmorpg as fun as lineage considering pvp and sieges!!!!
  19. friend told me he saw a dude named Retarded Peanut :D it cracks me up everytime!
  20. ok now THAT was waste of time.. actually tried that..
  21. do NOt go to wow... its ucks on pvp side.... stick to lineage!
  22. bah i tried few servers but it just sucks.. not many people.. laggy, cheaters... it just ruines the experience...
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