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Everything posted by xin

  1. unzip xzCrk_10.9.5a and walker and put xzCrk into l2w folder... that edit set.ini to: [DEFAULT] CountryList=DN; DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount= DefaultPassWord= [DN] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=831 ServerList=[1]Dragon;[2]Infinity;[3]Nightmare;[4]Arena; and run from xzCrk... but after that i got error like this:
  2. it seems to work... but check this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57378.0
  3. probably ur spoil in on follow after damage dealer. in that way when dd will change target ur spoil will also change target and he will not sweep... there are 2 ways: 1 if ur dd is not on bot, just keep dead mob a little longer on target 2 set patchpoints on dwarf and all other "dds" on follow attack after dwarf
  4. spam spam spam... i want it too;p in l2w there is no option to pickup without attack a mob... there are 2 ways to pickup: 1- set ur char to attack mob 2- in party setting use "protect party member" (or sth like that) -> if u r in party with some1 and u use that, ur char will not attack mob, just pickup after the "mob killer" will kill all mobs. but there is 1 problem... it will work only if mob will hit urs "damage dealer"
  5. mhm... u say all oog... and l2net works for me, but i dont like this bot;p
  6. still no1 have oog for that server??:/ i'm trying to do this, but still nothink...
  7. so i made that... and still i got errors
  8. what do i wrong... i'm editing set.ini [DEFAULT] CountryList=Dragon; DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount= DefaultPassWord= [Dragon] LoginServerIP= //infinity ip LoginServerPort=7777 //infinity port ProtocolVersion=831 ServerList=[1]Infinity 5x; now i'm extracting host, start l2srv, than bot. now setup->option->GameServer Use: //dragon network ip:port than i'm writing acc/pass and login and: 23:59:30 Now we will use local verification:o) 23:59:30 Enjoy! 23:59:30 Link LoginServer Succeed. 00:00:00 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.
  9. i mean, which file ***.dat/bak/etc do i have to edit, if i want edit that, what will say npc when i walk with him... or where can i edis answers (f.e. i'm targeting gk and i choose "teleport"... so in place of "teleport" i want to have "blablabla")
  10. nope... i'm still trying to set it up, but i don't really know how to do it... anyway, when i'm editing L2.ini i get sth like that: [...] Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter ServerAddr= [...]
  11. could some1 who know how to do it, write how to do it?? i mean what files are needed, how to set up "SET.ini", etc... (i'm writing there ip, potr... but still doesn't work...)
  12. ill try but im sure it wont work on DN
  13. could be nice Ill check it ;)
  14. and where is english version? maybe sb could translate it?
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