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About Kraha

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  1. soon it is going upgrade to hellbound then to the next chronicles
  2. As in subject. Which one is better and why? Just explain your opinion? I am playing on Reborn and I want to know people opinion which one is better for soloing or small groups and also for future chronicles upgrade from Interlude till H5.
  3. 12 and i can take it now
  4. WTS Adena L2Etina! 1kk = 0.9 euro 10kk = 8 euro 20kk = 15 euro PM ME here for more details. Around 50kk still in stock. Payment only through Paypal family and friends. Small update with new price.
  5. yeah, but here u get everywhere it, too much botters, admins dont care
  6. good server, but botters? botters everywhere :OOOOOO
  7. It's not mean that you pay you can botting. You get second chance but imho you get perma watching by admins that you are fair or not.
  8. for me this server is rly good, if you find insta pvp with mini event its good, but got some problems. There is too many useless thinks that you have to collect, also that goedata with wall-nukes/wall-hits and donate.
  9. Noooo :O, u all come back?
  10. i dont know really all things that are in classic or newest chronicles of l2, but thats true - i was see some parties hunting low rbs .
  11. i will trying it , i think, in few days, but now when i was check it after update i didnt see any newcomers.
  12. good idea, server need improvements like events, etc. you should try smth gifts for votes.
  13. with free itemz? guudz
  14. when you say a lil truth
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