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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. well adding skills on skilltrees is easy..what about to create a java code and re-compile it? or your pack is pre configured..?
  2. uh after some seconds i noticed something is going with gameserver ._. Please check the packets going..seems like server is going to lag in few mins.
  3. the armor tokens is a totally C/P from L2Forever. Anyway, server sounds promising but i aint play lowrates anymore..
  4. Lol he c/p a post from NS? what a dumb.Also he c/p announcements, rules etc.
  5. on his post he posts Regards, NS. though that he was nitrous system, since the other 2 members was from mxc
  6. So, Nitrous System Leeched MxC? lawl
  7. i forgot to mention it on our conversation =O ahahaha
  8. everyday l2emu and all open projects are fixing bugs. U can download the latest revision, and fix the bugs yourself ( if u find any ).
  9. They didnt leech anything yet. Also its NS's forum so we have to trust him :> The only same with the forum is the boards..and the theme. The theme that maxcheaters have, isnt payed..it was a free forum theme from simplemachines.
  10. there, ive uploaded the patch on RS. http://rapidshare.com/files/269825900/The17Heroes_Gracia_Final_-_Patch_v1.0.rar
  11. mipws anti na kaneis restart apla klineis to parathyro? i kaneis restart 1 sec opote dn prolavenei na kanei save db? kai ti pack exeis?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATS32HKHLUw&feature=related |Obsessed|
  13. i think there always be bugs when u prevent hitting from the same ip, like the low lvl protection..u could use a skill like heal to him or a buff, or use a potion and then u could hit him..
  14. he didnt gave me +1 karma..he was joking :P
  15. instead of making a value not to hit the same ip, cant we make it to not take pvp points when some1 kills some1 from the same ip?
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=76273.0
  17. i bet its a c/p from other's application..cuz on his other 3 posts he dont even spell any single word correct.
  18. I'm sorry for doing that, but since equal stopped updates and minutis went to archid project like me; i close the topic since i cant update it any more. My sincerely apologies for that, but i had to do it long time ago. Anyway, download link stays there for ppl that want to try the server at their local network. thanks. This is my first compile and since i started to compiling gracia ct2.3 i decided to give it away. Protects: -Java AntiPhx Enchant -Java Anti-Phx Announce -Multisell deley 1 second for gb exploit -Flood Protection for everything -walker protection - obviously -Stuck sub fixed -Trade bug fixed -Oly fake death exploit fixed -Dupe exploit fix **Much more, that i didnt mention/check. What about some java modifications. Auto tvt event - configurable from gameserver/config CTF event - configurable from gameserver/config Banking system-.deposit and withdraw buttons - configurable from gameserver/config Custom title system - configurable from gameserver/config GM overenchant corupt fixed - banning the gm that overenchant some1's weapon and the player too. Allow potions on pvp (?) - configurable from gameserver/config Allow soe on pvp (?) - configurable from gameserver/config Custom starting lvl - configurable from gameserver/config Hero skills on subclasses - configurable from gameserver/config PvP - Pk reward system - configurable from gameserver/config running speed modifier - configurable from gameserver/config MaxRun speed/PCrtRate/MCrtRate/MaxEvasion/Dagger dmg - configurable from gameserver/config Custom Noblesse item - configurable from gameserver/config Custom Hero item - configurable from gameserver/config Custom voice commands -.online/.res/.version/.tvt(all commands as .join/etc).pmoff/.tradeoff/.info - configurable from gameserver/config Color title/name on PvP's / Pk's - configurable from gameserver/config //setdonate - Donators - Name color - configurable from gameserver/config Exp/Sp on pvps - configurable from gameserver/config Custom starting location - configurable from gameserver/config GvE Machine - configurable from gameserver/config .away system - configurable from gameserver/config Party duel - configurable from gameserver/config Heavy armor restriction - configurable from gameserver/config Enchant values (If u want an enchant to enchant for 1/5/10 enchants per scroll) - configurable from gameserver/config Clan leader name - configurable from gameserver/config Offline trader - configurable from gameserver/config *Recently added - Enchant weapon by 1 enchant on every 5 pvp's. `Fixed again. `Fixed overenchant. The currently pack revision is 314. (L2Equal) Timeline: http://my-trac.assembla.com/L2J-Equal/timeline There are no npc's ingame so u have to add them yourself. The buffer inside is from the server, and the classmaster is fixed a bit from me. Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/269787240/Server.rar Spamming/flaming/etc posts will be deleted and the posters will get punished.
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