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Everything posted by roket

  1. Attributes works in Hellbound ? :-s i mean on L2j not offic
  2. on high rate you should use some Custom Gear , on low rate all daggers = maj + ang.slayer crit.dmg at lvl 78+
  3. Greek_kosia , have you ever saw a shielen knight in oly ? I don't understand why some ppl wanna increase post count with stupid things.In oly , no1 is best cuz : -SoulTaker vs fighters(if fighter gets Curse of Doom is BB player) -SoulTaker vs nukers/halers/buffers(if they get Silence/curse of doom they are BB players) All nukers vs all classes(if you have a critical you can hit for 5-9k so BB players in 3 hits :D) All daggers vs all classes(if you get Bluff you are BB player , if not , you have a chance) The list can't continue , all classes has a personal "trick" :P In my opinion soultaker > all(except EE/bish , it's hard with bish/EE) if you know how to play :)
  4. summon doesn't work in boss area , so i think you can't :)
  5. +1 , even if is true you can see "how ppl can be" oO and how can do for l2 :-w
  6. I started on C4 on dexternet server , but i becomed preatty good in pve/pvp cuz i played to much of this game :D nice share mpx , yea old times are not what we have now ..
  7. Fav movie : If only. Fav actor :Vinn Diesel L.E. i can add in my TOP movies , all movies with niggas and Hip-hop dances :D like Step up,step up 2 the streets , Honey etc
  8. But that "spider" gives you 1st time Curse lvl 1 ? and after he gives you more you'll reach lvl 4 ? or how ?;-s
  9. anyway it's to hard to get on a low rate 50 weapons :|
  10. i didn't used any bugs/exploits and i got AM+3+acu Agument Active:Anchor lvl 10 :D and BO+3+focus Agument Passive:increase your evasion :D so i think it's just by luck, but i suggest you all(at me worked) when you want an Agument for Fighters , bee on a Nuker / EE / Bish / SE class ... when you want an agument for nuker/EE/Bish/SE bee on a Fighter class :D i got the anchor on TH and the Evasion on Soultaker ^ ^ maybe i'll help you with this :D GL p.s. i used 100+ Ls 76 mid + normal and i got both aguments with normal 76 ... it's about luck :P
  11. any1 here who tested on interlude and worked for him !?
  12. sorry for noobish question : what is phx ? :-s
  13. search @ youtube to see enchant program :) and that guy in photo is DONATOR / GM.He isn't a Hero and he has nobless gate pass for how many enchants ? oO and crap a Blessed weapon enchant at oly manager is to much.With Hero status you can't take 2 blessed EWS.Or maybe on my srv you can't oO as far as i saw a BEWS is 300k NGP smthg like that
  14. welcome i'm new too so i'll say here : Hi too all
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