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Everything posted by niggafgt

  1. Taking HP boost and Summoner Trigger as subskills is a really bad choice. I'd rather take the CP boost and UD Trigger.
  2. Looks interesting, I'll give it a try!
  3. When I'm logging in, the PHX window does NOT change from plain looking into the full interface, it just stays plain grey. Does this mean that the server has a protection against it? I'm really new to this :/ nvm, got it working, but now when I'm trying to send packets to get enchanted items, nothing happens :/. Only thing I can do atm is pop up a question mark button by sending some random packets to the client >.>
  4. I've always wondered how this sandbox thingy works, thanks for the guide.
  5. MacroGamer is like the most dificult program to setup for auto-clicking potions, I'd rather use ClockMans Potion Clicker :x
  6. How about you start to describe what the "bug" is doing so we can think about it. Plainly saying "ANYONE KNOWS BUG?" won't help anyone.
  7. Clanname : Clan Alliancename: Alliance YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  8. Is this program capable of spawning items or stuff like that?
  9. I fail to see how moving after attacking should affect attack speed. It is common sense that it will be faster for mages since 99% of you monkeys just hold down the nuke button, that way you nuke before the spiritshot could load, result is you cast slower but with the same damage. When you move a little you just give that spiritshot a little time to load, result, you cast faster.
  10. works on "some" L2J servers, but not on the higher populated ones.
  11. programs like this destroyed l2's mass pvp's. Go ahead and download it, pussys.
  12. No point to set when it starts to click? No nothing, just "start", "stop" and "exit". I'm sorry but this looks like a keylogger, not gonna try it until someone posts some viruscheck.
  13. lol, that might actually work, gonna try it out. But if this works 100% and you use it in olympiad, everyone is gonna shout " BLA BLA BLA HES INVINCIBLE" and the GM is gonna ban you then :x
  14. The 2-handed sword looks really cool, thanks for share!
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