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Everything posted by Vegetto

  1. Mayby you have the same prob what I. Extract host to some place (not to that where he whant) make every think like in guide, when you start L2 open (where you have windows^^):\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and paste it there.
  2. 00:46:00 ->Verify Fail. 00:46:00 »¶Ó­ĘąÓĂĐĐŐߡŁ10.7.7ŇŃ·˘˛Ľ,ÇëČĄwww.ToWalker.comĎÂÔŘĘÔÓĂ. 00:46:00 ´ËŐËşĹÉĐδłĺÖµ. Any sugesstions plz ? ///// Nvm, i just wrong copy hosts.
  3. Yeep, 100% agree. That guide *if will be readed* will decrase spam on forum!
  4. imageshack.us Estimated Worth $65.11 Million USD ?! Owned oO
  5. Old !! :D But still funny :)
  6. Dont work for me :(
  7. /100% agree. Or if somebody hack your account you dont whant to play anymore :P
  8. 400pvp on bishop ;)
  9. With that i live 2times longer :F
  10. It will be the best game ever ...
  11. Ive got only 12k karma ;)
  12. Some of these are nice. ;)
  13. Dark magic attack > MoS full exp in short time ;)
  14. I will dont write anything, just: http://blackicetales.com/
  15. Vegetto

    ANIME !!

    DBZ, Beserk Hellsing ... etc
  16. Rock and Metal \m/
  17. Im w8ting for SC2 and D3 ;)
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