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Everything posted by Raule

  1. aia e alta treaba
  2. i have 28363 total posts
  3. 590 lei scoala cu 10 ore de condus +80 lei medical +68 dosar +6+4+ 12 ceva chitante total 760
  4. o sedinta - 2 ore si e 40 lei o ora adica o sedinta 80 de lei
  5. leitar
  6. you deleted your fb account ufag?
  7. rosalie so hairy at her birth doctor said to her mother: "congratulations you've given birth to a carpet"
  8. Raule

    L2 MXC

    You drop your armor at buffer, still a virgin
  9. Raule

    L2 MXC

  10. cat ai platit pentru o ora
  11. ofc
  12. Raule

    L2 MXC

  13. Raule

    L2 MXC

  14. Kazi Ploae - Noapte Permanenta (prod. Mr. Tweaks) - Video -
  15. :rage:
  16. Kazi Ploae - Zoia ( Video )
  17. sometimes when im in the woods, i pretend im a monster and block my foot in a tree
  18. cate ore de condus ati facut?
  19. iau sala daca fac 26 si mai fac si 25 si 24 cateodata? mentionez ca n-am citit nimic
  20. si acuma, tradu
  21. or water
  22. agent cale ferata = personal autorizat/
  23. Raule


    that happens when you have 20 cm penis
  24. Raule


    i fucked once rosalie and she thought it was a dream
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