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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Jianu - Mc Contest pe beat-urile lu deliric
  2. nu e nu stiu ce.. din sumedenia de mcs noi, jianu e bun
  3. http://i.snag.gy/3l8a1.jpg am mai vorbit si pe faceboo, fac si in 3 min
  4. dont hit the window with a stone, because is not your bicyle
  5. So finally you are getting married, finally we have our own woman.
  6. :okey:
  7. nobody flamed intrepid yet? :happyforever:
  8. you're little anyway
  9. fa pe e-drpciv.ro ar trebui sa te temi daca faci numa 23 cand faci 25/26 merge..
  10. baga niste chestionare
  11. u gay or what?
  12. russia, bigger than pluto
  13. any new movie with greek mythology?
  14. le wild erol appears
  15. sucesful troll is sucessful
  16. gspotman maci better
  17. :lied:
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