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Everything posted by Raule

  1. i dont know who is fictherboobs
  2. :poker face:
  3. who the heck is g spot man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-Spot :happyforever:
  4. de aia fac 26
  5. Deliric 1 - Din 94 feat. Mike Diamondz (Unconscious Perception Remix) (92 BPM) - (FacemRecords)
  6. tot am zis ca citesc si io cartea aia odata
  7. Raule

    Rosalie Facts

    2 added
  8. 1)Due to so much self esteem, rosalie suck dick with light turned off. 2) She is so fake, that she makes Barbie dolls look real. will add more later :okey:
  9. n-am fost la legislatie :happyforever:
  10. :forever alone like a boss:
  11. i stab you in the back cuz im a two faced nigga
  12. we care so much
  13. n-am citit cartea inca :okey:
  14. am facut 23 la chestionarul zilei :okey: dar 2 intrebari le stiam doar ca m-am grabit, era un ,, nu” in fata
  15. hb whoever iz
  16. when he locked a topic he celebrated 2 days and 3 nights
  17. da ba, astga e prima oara cand merg
  18. si mie mi-e frica sa dau sala ca fac numa 25/26 :)) si tu ai curaj sa dai cu 22
  19. ai dat sala?
  20. i download from filelist
  21. :forever alone like a boss:
  22. io bag 25/26 in 3 minute cam si nu am invatat nimic
  23. should be a meme face: iz that?
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