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kage last won the day on June 15 2024

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About kage

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  1. Hello. If you have an OVH Game server, then yes, you have protection. DDoS Gaming : Best Game server DDoS protection | OVHcloud Worldwide But if you use their standard servers, they only offer protection over HTTP/HTTPS, which is suitable for websites not on the TCP/UDP used for games. However, it's a bit expensive. It depends on how many people you are expecting. If you don't have an attack on the opening, money is wasted for protection.
  2. I'm sorry it's not possible to decrypt. Here is a guide provided by AdvExt explaining the AI functions: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av6bbm-J0dexsdh0VnKV1U0ExYAq6Q?embed=1&em=2
  3. Hello, thanks for the reply. I uploaded the buffer's AI here: https://pastebin.com/6GW3jD7q The buff recording is working and writing in the DB, but I cannot use it. I hope you can provide me with a solution.
  4. Hello! I would like guidance on how to fix the 'Buff Recording' function in AdvExt Gracia Final. The 'Start recording' and 'Stop recording' functions are operational, but the 'Buff profile' is unusable: value="Buff Profile" action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-101&reply=0" This system is designed for a single profile, but I discovered additional options in the AI that I'm unsure how to access: Any guidance will be appreciated!
  5. There are a lot of new and good-looking L2 advertising websites, but no one cares. Players keep playing on the same servers with the same owners and new server names. For example this website looks good: https://l2rankzone.com/ But it does not have traffic compared to the old topzone/hopzone (which wont bring you players either)
  6. Hello everyone! I'm looking for help because the Territory Wars are causing critical errors. Build: AdvExt GF Only Clans that own castles are getting errors (mostly when killing large numbers of mobs) Random Duplication in the map for Everyone There are no errors when the TW have passed time Only 3 territories are owned: Client error: General protection fault! History: NCWnd::AddChild <- NCWnd::RegisterChildWindow <- NCRegionInfoCtrl::UpdateImageBtn <- NCMinimapWnd::AddRegionInfo <- UMinimapCtrlHandle::execAddRegionInfo <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (MinimapWnd Transient.MinimapWnd0, Function Interface.MinimapWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- NConsoleWnd::OnDominionWarStart <- ExDominionWarStart <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=ExDominionWarSt <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  7. For me, all the work was done for 1 hour, multiple times. I can't get it. Can you share a screenshot with the chat history?
  8. https://lucera2.com/ https://www.l2jmobius.org/
  9. It should be some problem in Win 2012 On Windows 10, everything runs fine
  10. Hello. L2server won't start (program not responding) while cached is working normally. Configured SQL and ODBC correctly. Windows Server 2012r2 LinError.txt A:I:S:E:PE:DI:DE:BO=1.000000:1.000000:1.000000:1.000000:1.000000:0:0:0 L:Y:X:H=0:0:0:0:0 Crashed Thread[0] SharedGuard[SG[0FF]] GuardHistory[HISTORY_SIMPLE]. Server Up Time : Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970 Current Time : Fri Dec 29 20:46:44 2023 Elapsed Time : 19720 days 19 hours 46 minutes 44 seconds IOBufferPool - 0 / 0, PendingWrite 0 bytes (0 buffer count) Detail IO Buffer Pool Size for each Thread =============== object report [active : release failed] user[0:0], npc[0:0], item[0:0], usersocket[0:0], Door[0:0], InZone[0:0], Trade[0:0], Auction[0:0] AirShip[0;0] Max InZone NPC[0] =============== npc server connection log no connect [CurrentThreadId : 5196 Current Time : 2023/12/29 20:46:44] ========= an Access Violation in module L2Server_AdvExt64.exe at 0033:0x0000000000812EC3. start at 2023/12/29 20:46:43 Write to location 0x00000000C8251018 caused an access violation. 1 Registers: RAX=0x00000000A5D00000 CS=0033 RIP=0x0000000000812EC3 EFLGS=0x0000000000010206 RBX=0x0000000010E145E0 SS=002b RSP=0x000000000013FBF0 RBP=0x0000000000000000 RCX=0x00000000001B7740 DS=002b RSI=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FS=0053 RDX=0x00000000001B773E ES=002b RDI=0x0000000000000000 GS=002b R08=0x0000000022551000 R12=0x0000000000000002 R09=0x0000000000000A95 R13=0x0000000000000002 R10=0x0000000000000000 R14=0x0000000000000000 R11=0x0000000000000000 R15=0x0000000000000000 Bytes at CS:RIP: 42 89 4c 00 18 48 8b 43 08 42 89 54 00 14 8b 0d Stack dump: 000000000013FBF0: 00000000 00000000 00bf9950 00000000 0013fb18 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000013FC10: 00000000 00000000 0013fc20 00000000 0032004c 006f0057 006c0072 005f0064 000000000013FC30: 00740049 006d0065 006f0043 0073006e 00610074 0074006e 00000000 00000000 000000000013FC50: 00000000 00000000 62a50000 00000000 00055000 00000000 006d23cd 00000000 000000000013FC70: 00000000 00000000 6c8154be 00007ff9 00000286 00000000 006d23cd 00000000 000000000013FC90: 00000000 00000000 6f3f3d97 00007ff9 00000000 00000000 009ed77a 00000000 000000000013FCB0: ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80010081 00000000 000000000013FCD0: 00a32134 00000000 009db063 00000000 5f2788c8 00000000 0492746e 00000000 000000000013FCF0: 00a32134 00000000 00a3db30 00000000 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000013FD10: 00a3b640 00000000 00a29cc0 00000000 00a3b638 00000000 00000006 00000000 build date ver = Apr 10 2009_10:40:00 GuardInfo : PremiumThread [8][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : GIPThread [9][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : L2CommThread [10][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : PetitionThread [11][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : LogThread [12][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : PerfMonThread [13][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : MainThread [14][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : ListenThread [15][8840484 ms] (good): Lock Stack : GuardInfo end Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 0x0000000000812EC3 0x000000000013FD10 0x0000000000A29CC0 0x000000000013FD40 0x00000000009E3FEA 0x000000000013FD70 0x000000002BAF5A49 0x000000000013FEA0 0x00000000009E72A7 0x000000000013FF50 0x00007FF96F25168D 0x000000000013FF80 0x00007FF96F3A54F4 0x000000000013FFD0
  11. OneDrive Download pass: maxcheaters
  12. Hello. Is the source code also for sale, and what is the price?
  13. https://l2.club/#pack
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