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  1. Is work on L2JFROZEN?
  2. Does anyone know how to fix these 2 errors? https://ibb.co/JQjzyfH https://ibb.co/JsGW7YP L2JFROZEN (Interlude)
  3. Wooow, amazing work. I wish I had that!
  4. Hello everyone, I wanted to know, if anyone knows how to correctly add new skiles to the summons? I have tried several things but without success. Mainly add in actionname -e like this: 1 1041 -1 5 1 47729 a,Demolition Impact\0 a,icon.action108\0 a, A powerful slashing attack. Over-hit is possible.\0 skill7002 and I also added it in npcskills and I have only managed to make it appear in the summon in this way, without the icon of the skill that I put on it https://ibb.co/R3TRswy and it is not functional, when using the skill it does not work. Does anyone know how it should be added correctly? I use L2JFrozen, Interlude.
  5. Could someone answer me something?, I put the code as it is here. It didn't give me any error, but when I put /sellbuff or /bufshop nothing happens. Does anyone know what it could be? I use l2jfrozen
  6. It helped me, you are the only one who gave me a solution, thank you very much, really, thank you!
  7. Good afternoon everyone, I wanted to know if there is any way to implement the Rush Impact skill in iterlude.
  8. I managed to solve the problem, I leave the solution here for those who had the same problem. com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.xml 4200000000L, // level 80 6299994999L, // level 81 10499905559L, // level 82 16800005559L, // level 83 27299995559L, // level 84 44100005559L, // level 85 71400000000L, //level 86 115500000000L, //level 87 186900000000L, //level 88 302400000000L, //level 89 489300000000L, //level 90 791690000000L, //level 91 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <table maxLevel="90" maxPetLevel="80" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/experience.xsd"> <experience level="81" tolevel="6299994999" /> <experience level="82" tolevel="10499905559" /> <experience level="83" tolevel="16800005559" /> <experience level="84" tolevel="27299995559" /> <experience level="85" tolevel="44100005559" /> <experience level="86" tolevel="71400000000" /> <experience level="87" tolevel="115500000000" /> <experience level="88" tolevel="186900000000" /> <experience level="89" tolevel="302400000000" /> <experience level="90" tolevel="489300000000" /> <experience level="91" tolevel="791690000000" />
  9. Hello everyone, I wanted to know if anyone knows a way to limit the items with which you can go to the Olympics? Use L2JFrozen. Interlude
  10. I need to know only that specific error
  11. The crystal enchant do not retain the enchant on failure, any solution? Any way to fix it? L2jFrozen, interlude.
  12. Hello everyone, I have the following problem. When trying to enchant a skill, it does not consume the secret book of giants, I have the option enabled in "altsettings.properties" any solution? I use l2jfroozen (interlude). https://ibb.co/LRSgK7t https://ibb.co/wLYbLDX https://ibb.co/QXdSzFk
  13. What is the command to use it? because I tried several and nothing happens.
  14. Can you show me your code ?, so I'll buy it with mine and fix it.
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