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  1. www.wyB.lt Hello everyone, here I will tell you about the server, what is new in it and what is in it at all. I'll start with the client, it's updated and I think there's no better interface on the market than it, why? More information about the interface can be found here and it will work only on wyB L2 : https://maxcheaters.com/topic/228603-interface-lineage-2-hf-v273-new-update/ First of all, why did I create this server? It's really not because I made money, because in the last year I received 0 euros from the server, because I didn't sell anything, I created it to remember the nostalgic memories of my youth, when I spent my best hours in Lineage 2. So why choose our server? Maybe because I think a lot of work and effort was put into the server. And so the server uses L2j Eternity as an emulator, you can find more information about it here : https://maxcheaters.com/topic/231125-l2j-eternity-high-five-5-emulator/ which is updated almost daily, although it is almost impossible to find bugs, they just try to make it as similar as possible to the retail server. So we have 2 servers, 1. Multiskill + Rebirth ; 2. Retail server What can you find on our multiskill server? First of all, you can use all the skills without any restrictions. The VIP Levels The server has a VIP Level system, where you can raise your VIP level simply by killing mobs, 1 mob is 1 point, there is 10 VIP level, where the higher the level, the higher the reward, the rewards are distributed every hour in a certain amount. After reaching the maximum VIP level, you will not only receive rewards such as adena and coin of luck, but also a benefit such as an exp enchant bonus, this is an example of what the VIP level system looks like The Rebirth system Rebirth system, where you can reach a total of 1800 rebirths, what is your rebirth? when you reach max level 85, collect the appropriate amount of adenu and SP, then you can make a Rebirth. The Rebirth system is divided into 6 main stats, which are STR INT DEX WIT CON and MEN, each of which you can level up to 300 to become stronger, faster and more durable Here's what the Rebirth system looks like Autofarm System Autofarm system, where saving your time you can farm while working on something more important, because nothing is more expensive than your time. This is what the autofarm system looks like. Every day you get to use the car farm for free for 3 hours, if you want to use it for a longer time, you need to purchase PREMIUM, more detailed information about PREMIUM will be provided Online Time rewards Online time rewards, where just by playing you automatically get rewards after a certain time, which are random adens or coin of luck PREMIUM System, what is it and what does it provide? PREMIUM is a kind of VIP that gives one and another bonus like EXP SP and so on. The more expensive PREMIUMs are, the more bonuses they give and the longer they are valid, but you get not only bonuses but also PREMIUM Shopa and other services, which you can see below You can get all this without spending a single euro, but just by playing, but from Season 2 we introduced a new currency, which we called wyB Coins, it can be obtained only from the strongest raid bosses, which will be extremely difficult to beat, but from now on, if you want more new weapons, maps and other innovations, we will start selling Coins of Luck and wyB Coins, since new weapons, maps and scripts cost a lot of money. Therefore, if you like the server and what is on it, you will always be able to contribute to the support, because I have already invested a lot in new weapons, armors, maps and scripts just because of you. Below is more information about the server itself and what is on it Server Stats : Boosts like vitality with 300% Exp and SP boost Boosts from VIP Level, more levels more boosts , so you can level up to 85 lvl in a hour Experience: 1x Skill Points: 1x Adena: 1x Drop: 1x Spoil: 1x Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +30 (1% to make from +30 to 65535) High rates to make +30 Buff slots: more then 40+ Buff time: 2h/4h Olympiad: One week period (nomination Monday), match take place at 18:00 till 00:00 everyday. Community Board System , whats in it : Events (12 events) for more fun ingame Teleports to all towns Shop - where you can buy everything what you need Raid Bosses - shows if they are alive, where they are, all info about them and Epic Bosses Drop Info - if your not finding item or monster you can search here Buffer - Buffer for you, you can even create a custom buffer Services - where you can find eveything from warehouse, blacksmith, symbols, subclasses and so on Help - all voice commands witch can be typed in chat like .online witch shows how much players are online Statistics - Shows all tops, like pk, pvp, online and so on Server Info - All info about server. Fight Events: Last Hero Team vs Team Lucky Creatures Capture The Flag Treasure Hunt Korean Style Team vs Team round Capture The Base Death Match Monster Attack Solo PvP Zone Team PvP Zone World Events: Leprechaun Valentine Freya Celebration Anegl Cat Hitman Heavy Medal Christmas Squash L2Day Love Your Gatekeeper Coffer of Shadows Master of Enchanting Achievments Elpies Race Grand Wedding Rabbits Gift of Vitality Voice Commands : .ach - command works when achievments event is on .aa - seal stones exchange .bank - (.deposit 500kk adena to 1 goldbar or .withdraw 1 goldbar to 500kk adena) .autoloot - auto loot every item from mobs .changepassword - changes your password .expoff - turn of exp .expon - turn on exp .combinetalismans - as name says its combines talismans .lang - change language from en to ru .hellbound - hellbound status .dressme - as name says .menu - your control panel .notbuffanim - no buff animations .online - shows how much players are online .repair - repair character if something happened .7rb - 7 RaidBosses status .lock - security system so other wount be able connect into your account .teletocl - teleports to clan leader .daily - daily rewards every 24h .sellbuff - sell your buffs to other players .missions - daily , weekly and monthly missions for rewards .stats - your character statistic .autofarm - auto farm system to farm with auto attacks .offline - create private shop and go offline , your character will be online for 10 days (not all commands writen here) Vip Level System : You can level up your vip level just by killing monsters, what gives vip level? more atributes like exp bonus, sp bonus, adena bonus and so on. More level you have , better rewards you can get. Every new month Vip levels restarts. Rebirth Service : You can reborn at 85 lvl and become 1 lvl but with more atributes and be more stronger after every reborn. Doing Rebirths you can choose one from 6 stats (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN) right now limit is 300. Multiproffesion System : You can get every other class skill for SP to build ultimate class, so you will be unique and it will be more fun to play. Auto Farm System : Its like bot system when you can farm beeing afk. This system supports 5 modes : Fighers classes, Archer Classes, Mage classess, Support classes and Summoners classes You can try every day only for 3 hours this system For premium players this system is free But if your not a premium player you can buy it with Coin of Luck, witch can be rewarded from Vip Levels Daily Missions, Rewards : You can get rewards just playing game with Online Rewards , or daily rewards by writing in chat .daily , or doing missions just by writing in chat .missions
  2. First thousand is on! If you want to try too, register here. https://www.sdlfu.com/register#code=458721369
  3. First of all i want to say it's not a virus or any kind of advertisement, it's just an offer for you to make money if you want Hello, I would like to introduce you to an app or a company, I don't know how to name it here, but its name is ANZZTV - yes, I know the name looks a bit strange and similar, but this company gives you a chance to earn extra money. ANZZTV is a movie promotion company that promotes movies and earns a lot of money for it and gives you the opportunity to earn. The whole point is that you watch 30-second film presentations and for that you earn money, not much at the beginning, but then when you have more money you can invest in so-called crowdfunding and you get even more money from it. Yes, I know, it looks like a scam or something like that, I was skeptical at first and thought, who can pay you money for some kind of trailers or something like that? That's why I took a risk and decided to have a baby. What was needed was to register in the binance program, identify yourself and create your own wallet, as you understood, binance is a cryptocurrency program where you can buy and sell crypto currency there, and we know quite well what kind of money there is, don't we? Using ANZZTV for a year costs 97.16 euros, of course, depending on your country, it will be a different currency, or else approximately 105 USDT cryptocurrency, which will be your main currency in these apps. The whole guide on how to register in binance and ANZZTV app will be a guide on my discord server, where you will get help if you decide to learn and earn extra money. As I mentioned, I was also skeptical, 100 euros is quite a lot of money for me and I didn't want to get some money and lose it all, but I took the risk. After buying a VIP membership for a year for 97.16 euros, the program allows you to watch 8 movie clips per day, for each of them you get 0.61 euros, for all of them it adds up to 4.88 euros, so with the help of math, you can recover your initial deposit in 21 days and then the remaining 11 months and Use this app for 10 days without spending a penny and get extra money, like I did. It seems that 4.88 per day is not worth the time and in order to earn normally, you will need to watch those movie presentations forever, so it is not worth my time, but wait, as I said, there is a project inside called crowdfunding and this is the best place in this app, why? Crowdfunding allows you to invest money from your available balance and you will get even more, for example, the first crowdfunding level investment costs 56 euros (or 60 USDT) and lasts 3 days, each day you will get 1.86 euros (or 2 USDT) from it. 56 euros (60 USDT) will disappear from your balance and you will receive 1.86 euros (2 USDT) for 3 days, after 3 days when the crowdfunding ends, you will get back the invested 56 euros (60 USDT) and that 1.86 (2 USDT), and this is only the first level, of course you can't repeat the first level, and all the others that cost more, you get more and take longer and you can repeat them as many times as you want. Finally, you can earn even 1000 euros per day after a long time if you do not invest anything, if you invest more faster and earn more, it is up to you to decide. Of course, you are asking why I am sharing such a program from which both you and I can earn money? This program also includes an invitation program where teams are created, so if you register on my invitation link, you will belong to my team and crowdfunding will get more and more money if there are more members in the team, of course you can register without any invitation, but then you will not belong to my team and of course you won't earn more and you won't get any help from me. Now coming to the point, do you want to have a good time or not? You will also need to have the Telegram chat program, because if there are any problems, as for example I transferred another crypto currency instead of USDT and made a mistake, I didn't know what to do, but you will be contacted by support, otherwise known as the manager, who will help answer all I have your questions, in all languages, because they have vip on telegram and vip gives them auto translate, but the main language is English, as I already mentioned, they helped me, they transferred my currency, and I made a currency exchange to USDT and that's how I bought VIP member, after I got my money back in 21 days and now I know that I won't go into the red or that my money is safe and the rest of the time I can invest more or just accumulate euros a little at a time, participate in crowdfunding and thus earn even more, I don't know how long the account will work, whether it is a long-term project or not , but my manager claims that this is a long-term project, because his company earns millions in the film industry. Now this is my Discord server where you will get all the step-by-step guides on how to start making money: https://discord.gg/m36Uz4xTAm My login link to the ANZZTV App, which will take you to my team: https://www.sdlfu.com/register#code=458721369 BETTER USE ON PHONE Binance invoice link (I don't know what it gives, but it probably does, although you can register without it, but if you want to give back for the fact that you got the opportunity to earn extra, you can register through the link): https://www.binance.com/en/activity/referral-entry/CPA/incremental?ref=CPA_00DYH0YPS3 Adding some images from payments
  4. how did you fixed it , because when you log into gameserver it gives you dc
  5. Hello everyone, wyB L2 Opens 2 servers Multiskill with Rebirts and Retail. Servers opens in 2022.12.02 at 12h GTM +2 Visit our website to see the countdown http://wyb.lt
  6. Hello everyone, it's been over a year so it's time for a refresher, What can you expect in season 2? New mobs, new weapons, new map (pvp zone). Some ratings will be lowered, some items will be removed from the shop so that you can earn your wealth yourself. A new client that will only work on our server, and over time a new function called Battle Pass will be added. Therefore, all old and new players are welcome, don't forget to tell your friends. 2 servers will be created, one with multi professions and rebirths, and the other will be retail. Thank you for being with us!
  7. We have received your request about L2 website development. There are 3 options we can offer to your project: 1. Basic Includes: - logo creation (PSD, PNG files) - website design (PSD files), home and 2-3 inner pages - html/css/js (adaptive for any device) Result is a website template which you can merge with any CMS and CP by yourself Price: 1400 USD, time 12-16 days 2. Optimal Includes: - logo creation (PSD, PNG files) - website design (PSD files) - html/css/js (adaptive for any device) - merging to any CMS by your choice Price: 2000 USD, time 20-24 days 3. Maximum Includes: - logo creation (PSD, PNG files) - website design (PSD files) - html/css/js (adaptive for any device) - website engine (CMS) with an administration panel, developed individually for your project (settings and content, users, support, server settings, etc.) - User Control Panel, developed individually for your project (donations, payment systems, voting, characters, inventory, store, etc.) - forum's template - updater design (PSD files) Price: 3000 USD, time 30-40 days
  8. Hello there, wtb unique website for lineage 2 , secured, with scripts like online ppl, ranking and so on. PM me
  10. Rates Exp/Sp : 5000x Adena : 50x Drop : 50x Safe Enchant : +6 Max Enchant : +40 Normal enchant scroll rate = 55% till +30 Blessed enchant scroll rate = 80% till +30 Crystal scrolls rate = 90% from +30 to +40 Game Features Auto loot Ranking System Starting level 79 Unique farm zones for adena and server currency Starting pack - A grade items GM Shop for Adena Custom items shop for server currency Auto Learn all skills Custom Mage and Fighter Tattoo No weight limit Subclass without quest Max Subclasses 5 Reworked all Skills/Items and class balance C4/C5/Interlude features/skills tested and working 99% PvP / Pk Announcer PvP Color System Castle Sieges Unique Enocnomy System Max Level 80 Weapon Augmentations Dueling System Offline Shop Heroes every 1 week Custom instances NPC Global Gateekeper Custom Items Shop Buffer Skill Enchanter Augment Manager Vote Manager Exchanger Top 20 PvP/Pk/Clan Boss Manager Castle Manager Password Changer Events DeathMatch Team vs Team Domination Double Domination Last man Standing Lucky Chest Simon Says Vip Team vs Team Capture the flag Mutant Korean TvT Commands .info .menu .vote .repair .stats .bank .online .away & .back .offline_shop Raid / Epic bosses Every 6/8 hours - drops server currency . All info in Boss Manager NPC Donate You dont need to donate to have the best gear ingame, you need just play more time, and be better then others. Web and Discord You can find us here : www.wyB.lt Discord : https://discord.gg/hTEN7uKXNg OPENING DECEMBER 7 AT 20:00 GTM +3
  11. @deMEV you website isint working anymore?
  12. Season 2 is here with new items, maps , mobs and so on! Website : http://wyb.lt Discord : https://discord.gg/hTEN7uKXNg Hello there dear players, I want to introduce you Watch Your Back (wyB) Lineage 2 High Five version server witch custom systems. What you can find in our server : Here I will tell you about the server, what is new in it and what is in it at all. I'll start with the client, it's updated and I think there's no better interface on the market than it, why? More information about the interface can be found here and it will work only on wyB L2 : https://maxcheaters.com/topic/228603-interface-lineage-2-hf-v273-new-update/ First of all, why did I create this server? It's really not because I made money, because in the last year I received 0 euros from the server, because I didn't sell anything, I created it to remember the nostalgic memories of my youth, when I spent my best hours in Lineage 2. So why choose our server? Maybe because I think a lot of work and effort was put into the server. And so the server uses L2j Eternity as an emulator, you can find more information about it here : https://maxcheaters.com/topic/231125-l2j-eternity-high-five-5-emulator/ which is updated almost daily, although it is almost impossible to find bugs, they just try to make it as similar as possible to the retail server. So we have 2 servers, 1. Multiskill + Rebirth ; 2. Retail server What can you find on our multiskill server? First of all, you can use all the skills without any restrictions. The VIP Levels The server has a VIP Level system, where you can raise your VIP level simply by killing mobs, 1 mob is 1 point, there is 10 VIP level, where the higher the level, the higher the reward, the rewards are distributed every hour in a certain amount. After reaching the maximum VIP level, you will not only receive rewards such as adena and coin of luck, but also a benefit such as an exp enchant bonus, this is an example of what the VIP level system looks like The Rebirth system Rebirth system, where you can reach a total of 1800 rebirths, what is your rebirth? when you reach max level 85, collect the appropriate amount of adenu and SP, then you can make a Rebirth. The Rebirth system is divided into 6 main stats, which are STR INT DEX WIT CON and MEN, each of which you can level up to 300 to become stronger, faster and more durable Here's what the Rebirth system looks like Autofarm System Autofarm system, where saving your time you can farm while working on something more important, because nothing is more expensive than your time. This is what the autofarm system looks like. Every day you get to use the car farm for free for 3 hours, if you want to use it for a longer time, you need to purchase PREMIUM, more detailed information about PREMIUM will be provided Online Time rewards Online time rewards, where just by playing you automatically get rewards after a certain time, which are random adens or coin of luck PREMIUM System, what is it and what does it provide? PREMIUM is a kind of VIP that gives one and another bonus like EXP SP and so on. The more expensive PREMIUMs are, the more bonuses they give and the longer they are valid, but you get not only bonuses but also PREMIUM Shopa and other services, which you can see below You can get all this without spending a single euro, but just by playing, but from Season 2 we introduced a new currency, which we called wyB Coins, it can be obtained only from the strongest raid bosses, which will be extremely difficult to beat, but from now on, if you want more new weapons, maps and other innovations, we will start selling Coins of Luck and wyB Coins, since new weapons, maps and scripts cost a lot of money. Therefore, if you like the server and what is on it, you will always be able to contribute to the support, because I have already invested a lot in new weapons, armors, maps and scripts just because of you. Below is more information about the server itself and what is on it Server Stats : Boosts like vitality with 300% Exp and SP boost Boosts from VIP Level, more levels more boosts , so you can level up to 85 lvl in a hour Experience: 1x Skill Points: 1x Adena: 1x Drop: 1x Spoil: 1x Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +30 (1% to make from +30 to 65535) High rates to make +30 Buff slots: more then 40+ Buff time: 2h/4h Olympiad: One week period (nomination Monday), match take place at 18:00 till 00:00 everyday. Community Board System , whats in it : Events (12 events) for more fun ingame Teleports to all towns Shop - where you can buy everything what you need Raid Bosses - shows if they are alive, where they are, all info about them and Epic Bosses Drop Info - if your not finding item or monster you can search here Buffer - Buffer for you, you can even create a custom buffer Services - where you can find eveything from warehouse, blacksmith, symbols, subclasses and so on Help - all voice commands witch can be typed in chat like .online witch shows how much players are online Statistics - Shows all tops, like pk, pvp, online and so on Server Info - All info about server. Fight Events: Last Hero Team vs Team Lucky Creatures Capture The Flag Treasure Hunt Korean Style Team vs Team round Capture The Base Death Match Monster Attack Solo PvP Zone Team PvP Zone World Events: Leprechaun Valentine Freya Celebration Anegl Cat Hitman Heavy Medal Christmas Squash L2Day Love Your Gatekeeper Coffer of Shadows Master of Enchanting Achievments Elpies Race Grand Wedding Rabbits Gift of Vitality Voice Commands : .ach - command works when achievments event is on .aa - seal stones exchange .bank - (.deposit 500kk adena to 1 goldbar or .withdraw 1 goldbar to 500kk adena) .autoloot - auto loot every item from mobs .changepassword - changes your password .expoff - turn of exp .expon - turn on exp .combinetalismans - as name says its combines talismans .lang - change language from en to ru .hellbound - hellbound status .dressme - as name says .menu - your control panel .notbuffanim - no buff animations .online - shows how much players are online .repair - repair character if something happened .7rb - 7 RaidBosses status .lock - security system so other wount be able connect into your account .teletocl - teleports to clan leader .daily - daily rewards every 24h .sellbuff - sell your buffs to other players .missions - daily , weekly and monthly missions for rewards .stats - your character statistic .autofarm - auto farm system to farm with auto attacks .offline - create private shop and go offline , your character will be online for 10 days (not all commands writen here) Vip Level System : You can level up your vip level just by killing monsters, what gives vip level? more atributes like exp bonus, sp bonus, adena bonus and so on. More level you have , better rewards you can get. Every new month Vip levels restarts. Rebirth Service : You can reborn at 85 lvl and become 1 lvl but with more atributes and be more stronger after every reborn. Doing Rebirths you can choose one from 6 stats (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN) right now limit is 300. Multiproffesion System : You can get every other class skill for SP to build ultimate class, so you will be unique and it will be more fun to play. Auto Farm System : Its like bot system when you can farm beeing afk. This system supports 5 modes : Fighers classes, Archer Classes, Mage classess, Support classes and Summoners classes You can try every day only for 3 hours this system For premium players this system is free But if your not a premium player you can buy it with Coin of Luck, witch can be rewarded from Vip Levels Daily Missions, Rewards : You can get rewards just playing game with Online Rewards , or daily rewards by writing in chat .daily , or doing missions just by writing in chat .missions
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