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Destorion last won the day on January 5 2023

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    Arround Here..
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    Employee! That's enough for you.!

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  1. Locked. Reason:author's request....
  2. updated 7/2/2023 AlisaCodeDragon has been returned as L2Client Developer.! PUFA HAS BEEN TRANSFERED FROM GOLD MEMBER to SUPPORT TEAM
  3. Dear @xZEUSx, Thank you for your suggestion, Please be patient until @Maxtor will be review it and announce his official decision....
  4. Trusted Seller and deliver the product in mins!!!!! good job ma boy
  5. listen.... Old clients are good, but we're in 2023, most l2 interlude servers has been reduced their population and they've been closed, there aren't many old client servers nowadays who got much activity, So if i was you i would go ahead from H5+ there aren't Many H5 servers and that's sad because everyone stucked to those "old school Clients".... So what i prefer is H5, Mid to High Rates, Easy farming easy starting gear and much pvp, as of the features : enchant rates would be Safe +8 Max +25 with success rate with normal 60% and blessed 75%, Server rates could be : x400 xp/sp x100 drop, x200 Drop Quest items As of the other features Noble Q Retail or one click with noble item, LS Rates low 20% Mid 40% High grade 80%, attributes with one click instant max level etc....Always targeting for player needs not for your own choices..... That's all from me
  6. Ok that's enough! this story with banned member it's out of control.... There's no point to discuss any further for him while he's banned from the community.... that's my own opinion anyway.... Everyone expected from him to act like this and which would be his result of that chaos arround maxcheaters®
  7. I did, when i joined, i played for 5 mins and then bb multeria... Didn't have fun because while i was trying to farm everyone came from nowhere and gets pk for no reason.... As of balance(No Comment....) as of economy?(No comment) the only part that was cool it was only the way you've builded the npcs and the shop that was giving stuff free.... Nevermind, Good luck.
  8. Welcome!!! @annie31
  9. useless replies has been deleted, Please @Nightw0lf Next time try to calm down your attitude... Thanks...
  10. @`NeverMore Send me through pm your pp mail please. Thank you Congratulations to all of you who made for one more year this thread full of activity! More to come soon!!!!!!
  11. So if i'm not mistaken, L2 Aqua is the new era of L2 Aeron Project? Good luck with this
  12. 3 days left until the draw phase and the announcement for the two big winners of our lottery event for 2023!!!! Pick Fast the 2 remaining slots !!!! Maybe you will be the winner!!! We would like to Say a big thanks to all of you who participated for one more year to our Lottery event!!!! More good stuff and updates will be coming soon for winter/summer season(s) 2023-2024, stay tuned!!!! Yours -MaxCheaters.com® Administration Team
  13. Επίσης να σαι καλά! αγορίνα
  14. Welcome aboard! Please read our forum rules(Press Me) and enjoy your stay!!!
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