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Everything posted by 0flee

  1. Hello all. I do a small mistake. And this mistake it is on custom_spawnlist. I duplicated all spawns. Npcs/monsters. How i can delete duplicated spawns? It is a command on sql or query? Greetings
  2. Thanks for answer. Close topic please!
  3. <item id="xx" type="EtcItem" name="ItemName"> idk what pack do you use.
  4. Hi all. It is possible to create a new item ( Bracelet ) Which have condition ti can support 1 type of talisman? This required knowledge of java? Or i just can create item and to apply condition on xml?
  5. I reinstall l2 and i see if the error persist...with my last patch. I downloaded weapons GOD for hi5. And after restart this error appear...:/ I find a weapons on another site. This guys really want to crash this game with their posts!
  6. What it's this error and from where provide? http://
  7. I added, hero aura it is still white. Weapon it is red [EnchantEffect] CubeTexName=LineageEffectsTextures.Etc.Enchant_Aura001_Shader01 ;HeroWeaponTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura001_Shader01 ;HeroAuraTex=LineageWeapons.rangesample ;HeroAuraMesh=LineageWeapons.rangesample i should delete that ; from start line?
  8. HI all, it is possible to make hero aura reflected on enchanted glows weapons? For exemple. If weapon it's +10, glow it's blue. Hero aura i want to be blue. +16 glow weapon it's red. Hero aura i want to be red. Greetings
  9. HI all, if anyone know a template free like http://www.l2breaking.com/ please share. HTML i want. Greetings.
  10. HI all, how i can make a npc which list skills from player and he can have option to delete a skill?
  11. Fixed, Solved. Problem was with enchantmentMaintenance="true". this must be False and enchantmentLevel="10" no need in xml. Thanks for answer!
  12. If i put a weapon ++ as ingredient, i can buy +0 with this method? public Ingredient(StatsSet set) { this(set.getInt("id"), set.getLong("count"), set.getInt("enchantmentLevel", 0), set.getBoolean("isTaxIngredient", false), set.getBoolean("maintainIngredient", false)); } Weapon ++ i have set as ingredient. And player can't buy next weapon. Because weapon that (++) must be +0. I can fix this? Same problem i have for armors. Xml with multisell <list maintainEnchantment="true" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xsd/multisell.xsd"> I need something like isTaxIngredient ? <!-- Dynasty Bow - Focus --> <item> <ingredient count="1" id="7577" enchantmentLevel="10" /> <!-- (7577 it is Draconic Bow +10)--> <production id="9865" count="1" /> </item> 7577 it is Draconic Bow +10 it is required to buy Dynasty Bow. And game tell me Incorrect item count. Help me please. Greetings
  13. Like I said, it was always afk. And I asked someone else to continue my code and now it works. And i am a good guy. Don't ban him this time.
  14. This is abnormal. Both parts make an agreement. My opinion. but i thini 60% it is first code, then pay. The problem it is. After i tested, you we're afk. This is first time when it's happend to me. Next time,. I will request full code ( working ) Then i will pay. I am not a jerk or scammer.
  15. The code was 70% done. For rest of 30% i must wait while you are home? When i didn't know a time? Next time i will pay with attention first. I am a good guy who pay how much it is needed. Immediately after i check you we're afk and u reply me after http:// Delay 2 minutes. Are you really afk after 120 seconds? And you asked me if i am serious? I am, because i pay you. I am not a scammer. I pay for everything untill i wil learn a bit to avoid scammers. About the mail, it is a e-mail from a girl
  16. With this profile on maxcheaters this guy offer me his help, in topic https://maxcheaters.com/topic/236486-hero-method-for-2-weeks-npc/#comment-2756522. I tested what I asked for immediately after he left the `any desk` program. Fast and furious isn't it? While he presented me again the price for those 5 rows. (20 euro). It's not much. But considering it's 5 minutes of work, it's a lot. All good. I told him the code is not good. AND it doesn't work in the parameters I was expecting, because I asked him to check the code. And since then, and until now, he still says to me in disagreement "Here?" There should be no more such specimens. Working part time. And who wants all the money by imposing their conditions of misery. I'm not a gypsy and I give as much it's needed. But when it comes to teasing, I treat these peoples like garbage. Please help me who can finish my code. It is not a big deal. But I don't know much about Java. http:// Payment Please STOP this specimens to sell their ideeas. They are scammers only! Random guy with 2 posts that want to get 20 euros?
  17. And who can do this? I will pay it I was scammed by EdithFinch Anyone can come to fix this please? Not big deal. This guy make an incomplete code. I request a npc which gave hero for 1 day and second time to make a coin (handler) to give hero for 30 days. Coin and Npc take just required items and don't give Hero Status. Also i get time for this. Thank you!
  18. HI all, i set in my npc to make character hero. In next settings you will see. But, i want to set hero for 1 month. Now, if player buy hero, after restart, hero it's gone. Here it is few setting. else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("hero")) { if (!player.isHero()) { player.setHero(true); player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player.getObjectId(), 20016)); // Hero Animation player.broadcastUserInfo(); player.destroyItemByItemId("Get your hero!", 6391, 25000, player, true); return "character.htm"; } else if (player.isHero()) { player.setHero(false); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "character.htm"; } } How i can set a "period" ? I check olympiad method. But those settings are much and i don't understand nothing. Greetings
  19. <ai type="BALANCED" aggroRange="1900" clanHelpRange="3000" isAggressive="true"> </ai> <attack physical="100000000" magical="50000000" attackSpeed="5000" range="999" distance="150" critical="100"/> Anything i change here, guard attack from fix distance...:/ He don't see pk from a big distance..:/ Anyone can help me please?
  20. My npcs are xml, not database. And i want to set antipk to see pk player from a big distance and attack instantly
  21. HI all, how i can change Range for anti-pk guard? I have this syntax. <npc id="9996" displayId="30346" name="Sentry" usingServerSideName="true" title="Map Guard" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Guard"> <sex>MALE</sex> <ai type="BALANCED" aggroRange="900" clanHelpRange="1000" isAggressive="false"> </ai> <stats str="99" int="99" dex="99" wit="99" con="99" men="99"> <vitals hp="999999999" mp="100" /> <attack physical="100000000" magical="50000000" attackSpeed="5000" range="900" critical="100"/> <defence physical="50000000" magical="50000000" /> <attribute> <defence fire="99" water="99" wind="99" earth="99" holy="99" dark="99" /> </attribute> <speed> <walk ground="180" /> <run ground="350" /> </speed> </stats> <collision> <radius normal="7" /> <height normal="25" /> </collision> </npc> I change Range, nothing, i change aggroRange, same distance. I try to add distance="100" He see pk from x distance. How i can fix this?
  22. I can make skill replace with another in fishing npc skill learn? If a player have skill for exemple, id 1000 and i add a custom one 1001, i want when player buy 1001, to exchange for 1000. I search , but i haven't a documentation about skill "set". In fishingSkillTree i put this for 1001 preRequisiteSkill id="1000" lvl="1" /> but player still can have both skills. id 1000 and 1001 Greetings
  23. I can fix this? I want to change adena with nectar id.
  24. I haven't admin_jail, i have admin_punishment and here it is code https://pastebin.com/X0nJxW45
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