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  1. Hello, as title says, i want to increase the max value of Adena from Private Stores. In the sell method, i want to increase the max amount from 99.999.999.999 to 999.999.999.999 or more. I don;t know if it's client edit or java. So i ask here. If anyone know, please i need htlp. Thak you very much. P.S. In the image below, you will see what i mean This
  2. Check_This Or you can try to do this visible on npc, or in voice command or community Board! Take exemple.
  3. Looking for someone who sell wings for high five. Pack or 1 by 1. Looking for someone serious ! Pm here on in discord on byEvanthe:1403 Thank you !
  4. Hello, it is possible to add 1 more augment on weapon? I mean, already we can have 1, but another one? I should edit client? Interface.xdat or what i have to edit? Thank you !
  5. Hello, i looking for a npc buffer for High Five. I use l2jSunrise but my buffer it's hard-coded and i can't decrypt to have access to change prices to 0 cost for individual buffs or scheme. If someone know a good buffer,, please let me know. Happy New year !
  6. This website no have PSD's?
  7. Someone help me with files? I don;t have premium
  8. Why when i press on This button i get small freeze. I specify i added custom items on my server. My server it's High Five. Back to my error, what can cause this or how i can fix this? I checked the grp and it's all good.
  9. My fault, sorry
  10. Hello, today i created 2 skill sellers. 1 it's perfect, the other, no. Why not? Because on the good one, i see Required SP, on the other one, i see Req, Reputation. On thx xml of skilltree, i have levelUpSp="xx" on both. Now, i don;t know what cause this issue, but i think and i am sure someone can give me a bit help. Ai will appreciate. Thank you. P.S I use project Sunrise ( High-Five )
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