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Everything posted by 7w0j4s74r4

  1. Hi I play on Dragon Network. I use IG walker and script: LABEL(mpot) CharStatus(MP,<=,70) { USEITEM([iD=9264]) DELAY(20000) } CALL(mpot) RETURN Some of my char don't use mana potions and others use mana potions. How can i fix it?
  2. it's working :) 1 How you made folder system for Dragon Network? 2 For what is L2Fork?
  3. sry my mistake :P so I am voting for duelist.
  4. thx for it :D i am learning pascal and visual basic
  5. 1) Gothic I, II, III ;D 2) Lineage 2 3) Medal of Honor 4) CoD 4 5) GTA: SA
  6. 7w0j4s74r4

    mini games

    these sides are cool, I didn't know about them earlier
  7. they are great. thanks for link i can make my own userbar now
  8. Ghost Sentinel. Archer on full buff is the best for mass pvp
  9. i think it is only for IL client thx man i will try it
  10. Scary movie, saw, american pie, resident evil, i am legend, meet the spartans ^^, hitman
  11. i played sims and fast uninstal it :P i don't like this game it is boring.
  12. strong human or orc fighter :P
  13. hehe when i see something like "Don't click" i must click it ^^
  14. stop write here u can write here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25602.0
  15. on dragon network summoners are good only on oly. bp/wk is the best =]
  16. sps/ee is better + high casting spd + good heal + good buff for mage (pow + wm) + party return :d
  17. i played all cod and i want cod 5 !! ;D
  18. for me th/pal is better more hp more con higher resistance to the shock
  19. Tallum heavy set for you is better, atk spd > resist stun
  20. CS for multiplayer :P
  21. Game is very good but my computer is too weak and I cannot play on maximum details :(
  22. Hello everybody. :D
  23. I played but I didn't like this game and I stopped
  24. Lineage 2 is the best :P
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