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Everything posted by wokuo

  1. some ppl use ready wallpapers and add only text, text are made with standard windows fonts sryy for bad english
  2. old game ;] but very good strategy
  3. www.hopzone.net search
  4. check hopzone or something before create smiliar topics
  5. www.hopzone.net search ;]
  6. good server i recomend it
  7. sorrybaby, you have 100% right but i think NM heavy its not bad, strong p def ;]
  8. TH/Pal TOL + Soul Of Pheonix = immortal i think ;]
  9. HE are the best bacuase is the most balanced archer in game
  10. Paladin are the tankest tank ;] TOL + Soul Of Phoenix Aegis stance and many more
  11. Dragon-Network Dragon x15 for ever
  12. localhost its the best dedicated server, i think
  13. interesting, make more pls
  14. gunz hace a lots of security programs, hacks = disconnect and sometimes IP ban
  15. official maps are big shit
  16. dc light set 1kkk and dc robe 1,1kkk ;] we can negotiate a price
  17. C4??? to old for me
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