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-Invoke last won the day on March 30 2020

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  1. Contact info: Discord: Invoke#4502 Skype: chrisis19 wts items in L2Kings x25 epics : Antharas, baium, qa, orfen, blessed freya necklace (for all epics 150 euros negotiable) chars to sell 2 sorcerer , bishop (negiotiable price for chars) - Hero sorceror 1st in top pvp list 1.8k pvp + vesper noble set lvl7 attr +8, +8 rising star augments and everything skill +30, certi -bps full skills +30, certifications, vorpal set +6 pvp lvl7 attri, acumen weapons with skills, augmented weps with refresh etc. B.Freya Necklase -sorc with vesper noble found set pvp +6 lvl 7 attri, rising stars/veni +6 acumen SA, augmented weps with refresh etc, certi some skills +30
  2. i was trying with l2file edit, thanks a lot mate! I edited with l2lige and now its perfect
  3. Anyway to fix the alignment on this one? its keep appearing on the bottom behind my bar after editing the SystemMsg-e.dat many times, should I look elsewhere? I would appreciate it if you let me know, thanks!
  4. In mobius try parseCommunityBoardCommand(string, player) at the end of every void you have and it will probably solve ur problem, or code directly into the command, if u are gonna call a void then use this at the end of the void.
  5. The above things u mentioned such as wh, blacksmith and dyes are using packets, and since community board is not an npc u cant use npc commands. You need to send packets, for example in order to press add dye lets say, u need to create a command in community board handler and to register it also. You can create a new or add inside an existing CB file in handlers. I am gonna give u a hand here as an example. I hope i helped. Register the commands: private static final String[] COMMANDS = { "_bbsaug", "_bbsdisaug", "_bbsdraw", "_bbsundraw", }; Examples: @Override public boolean parseCommunityBoardCommand(String command, PlayerInstance player) { if (command.equals("_bbsaug")) { player.sendPacket(ExShowVariationMakeWindow.STATIC_PACKET); player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SELECT_THE_ITEM_TO_BE_AUGMENTED); player.cancelActiveTrade(); } else if (command.equals("_bbsdisaug")) { player.sendPacket(ExShowVariationCancelWindow.STATIC_PACKET); player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SELECT_THE_ITEM_FROM_WHICH_YOU_WISH_TO_REMOVE_AUGMENTATION); player.cancelActiveTrade(); } else if (command.equals("_bbsdraw")) { player.sendPacket(new HennaEquipList(player)); } else if (command.equals("_bbsundraw")) { player.sendPacket(new HennaRemoveList(player)); } } @Override public String[] getCommunityBoardCommands() { return COMMANDS; }
  6. Mind me if i am wrong but you don't mention anywhere the getItemId in the DressMe.java maybe u missed the DressMe.java from model folder in your new upload, check it again
  7. Best one so far!
  8. Does anyone have the latest daily quests/challenges package ?
  9. Exactly , I totally agree with you! Thanks for the advice, i thought of the engine but my time is limited behind the scenes so i will try to do it some time in the future!
  10. I don't think you know me or my coding abilities in order for you to come for me like that. And i am not saying that i am pro in java but i can understand a lot of stuff and learn fast. I agree on the part about sharing, but since i spend a lot of time and effort doing this i dicided to sell it and not to share it, because i have coded it by my self - some mods are added from the original tvt as well which are completely optional and which i mentioned on the begging of my topic about the similarity. Best regards
  11. Yes i know but there are also people who begin their projects with clean packs and its modified so in any case if someone is interested why not ? I just shoot my shot here u know :) Thank you!
  12. Hello guys as the title says i am selling a fully reworked and fully configurable deathmatch event for High Five client (with some implemenation i can implement it for aCis too) Some features are similar to Tvt but reworked alot in order to be more stable. Configurable Features: Event can be done in instance (optionable) - can also close and open doors on enter and at the end of the event Max players per IP Time that the event will occur in 24h format (you can set the event to start any time you want) Registration time for participation Running time of participation Npc Id to spawn in specific coordinates once the event pops up Participation fee - if needed (can be without) Max players and min players to join the event Max and min player levels Player spawn coordinates ( random spawn coordinates on enter of event and on death of player) Reward on everykill and amount PvP point on every kill Reward the first 3 players if the deathmatch is a Tie - if players made same kills as the others (optionable) Option if its a tie you can reward one player otherwise you can set the top players to reward Change visible name to Player's class name (this can be changed if you want) change of the visual title as well (but not the player's one for better performance) note that i can change the their title aswell - if needed from the buyer Change visible color of name and title (set it as u want) - currently i disabled it Change's visible title to amounts of kills of every player (this is only visible to other players if you want to change for current character as well let me know) Option for restriction can be added for scrolls/potions/summon Option of removing all the buffs on enter / give specific buffs/ or remove nothing at all add specific buffs for mages and for fighters (optionable) Protection against teleporting measures On enter pvp flag will be always on On enter and on death Noblesse and Flames of Invisibility (FOI) are applied. Commands for join/leave/info added status command shows the rankings of the current player inside the event Dialog message pops up to all online players when the event starts with confirm and cancel option Skype: chrisis19 Discord: Invoke#4502 Here are some pictures: Dialog message - announcement - spawn of NPC: Registration confirmed: Teleporting players into the arena - announce for players registered for the event: On enter - change of visual name - update pvp flag (can be changed) - apply effects (noble, foi): On kill (add pvp point and reward): Command for deathmatch status with rankings during the event: Random respawn on death - change of visual title of player with their Kills: At the end of the event html window pop up with the Rankings (in this case i have enabled to reward the top 3 players):
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