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Everything posted by 0samita

  1. sell extender totally fixed
  2. Tell me a little more, what platform is it?
  3. Hello brother, the link to download the HTML is not working, could you re-upload it or share the code?
  4. could someone make him walk? I am using the vanganth pack, the connection to SQL makes it correct but it always gives me "Unsuccessful login"
  5. Could someone share the rar password with me?
  6. Actually I would need to fix the errors in the pack in order to improve or add things to it.
  7. Hello, thank you very much for reading my post. I come from Java and I am wanting to get into the C ++ world to work with L2OFF. I downloaded the source of the Vangath extender but I can't compile it. I read in the post where they shared it that with VB 2005 they could compile it successfully. I have not been able neither with 2005 nor with 2019. I can only compile the CliExt. Is it necessary to install something more than VisualBasic? On the other hand: What should I edit about the CliExt to make it work? and my last question. When you compile, where do you save it? this is the extender that i am wanting to use. https://github.com/LoanX/VanganthExtender
  8. Various errors, what file do I have to modify to use the cliext? to change the version and get the checksum @Akar0 Visual Studio 2019
  9. And the datapack Link? Will I be able to compile it with Visual Basic 2019? @Akar0
  10. Still get the source? because the link in the first post is down.
  11. Does anyone guide me a little to compile this pack? What Visual do I have to use or what software for the development version that it has?
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