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Everything posted by jossoo

  1. i have a nice idea in my head...can u explain me how the code will be ? i think you have right...it can be under 80 lvl ?(to start show html when u reach 80 lvl +)
  2. can i create a code that will pop-up at every level ? actualy when player gain lvl to read a html that is based on html folder of my server... its that posible ? gracia final server
  3. awesome...tnx for share..u must add animation i think :D downloading!
  4. to fart infront of all my classmates..
  5. see the date that topic created... [share]Όλα τα προγράμματα για l2j[uPDATE] « on: December 15, 2009, 04:53:58 PM » [sHARE] All programs for L2J server « on: February 26, 2010, 03:57:51 AM »
  6. its seperate from other enchant menu or just replace it ?
  7. 8a sou kanw to xatiri kai 8a sou pw oti mono P.A.O.K. kai O.S.F.P. einai omades..ths alles bgaltes :D
  8. 2) deksi click stin database sou dump sql file>start
  9. well this didnt help me http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=126820.0 i want to create my code...i just need to understand what methods what imports and what everything i must do to make all thinks better(for me) coz i am trying to learn java..i am not a pro.. can any1 help me ?
  10. how i can make it in a row ? example 50 pvp's ina row..
  11. http://www.l2jserver.com/svn http://www.l2jdp.com/svn kanei kai ta 2 checkout gameserver kai datapack t2.3
  12. this is for interlude right?coz i am using gracia final and the imports are wrong... or i am doing something wrong ?
  13. and what about this ? "how i can make it hero until restart ?"
  14. hello mxc... i have this code(copy paste from revenger ) if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= 3000) { activeChar.sendMessage("You are now on a killing spree!"); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(activeChar.getName() + "Is now on a killing spree!"); activeChar.setHero(true); } how i can make it hero until restart ? i am not sure but this is for the player when he get 3000 in a row or when he gain 3000? if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= 3000)
  15. remove this kind of hide...all will spam to see it.. "thx for share...keep up :-)"
  16. right clikc on your database...dump sql file hope i help
  17. pio L2 Java Server Crash Report? gia nompel pas? ftaei to NWindow.dll' bres allo system i allo NWindow.dll'
  18. look man i want to create somethink like rebirth .. when u make subclass you will get the first class of your subclass and u will be 1 level.. if u can help me or post anything that will help me i will apriciate it much :)
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