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Everything posted by whatisup

  1. So it works like this. But when I remove the pvpzone it stops working (people unflag when they hit inside the zone). And I can't seem to make it work. I don't want it to be pvpzone because of the hit clan without ctrl. It's the one or the other pretty much. package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.type; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Creature; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.zone.ZoneType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.PvpFlagTaskManager; /** * A zone extending {@link ZoneType}, used for jail behavior. It is impossible to summon friends and use shops inside it. */ public class ChaoticZone extends ZoneType { public ChaoticZone(int id) { super(id); } @Override protected void onEnter(Creature character) { if (character instanceof Player) { character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.CHAOTICZONE, true); character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP, true); ((Player) character).sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENTERED_COMBAT_ZONE); final Player activeChar = (Player) character; // Set pvp flag if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() == 0) activeChar.updatePvPFlag(1); } return; } @Override protected void onExit(Creature character) { if (character instanceof Player) { character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.CHAOTICZONE, false); character.setInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP, false); final Player activeChar = (Player) character; ((Player) character).sendPacket(SystemMessageId.LEFT_COMBAT_ZONE); activeChar.exitOnNoLandingZone(); PvpFlagTaskManager.getInstance().add(activeChar, Config.PVP_PVP_TIME); // Set pvp flag if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() == 0) activeChar.updatePvPFlag(1); } return; } } Thank you for your time.
  2. Been wondering if there is a way to make arena/pvp zone check for clan/ally members. Meaning that I want to make it so you need ctrl to hit clan/ally members in arena/pvp zone because right now you can hit em straight away. If there is something you can share with me would be grateful. Or just a simple way to make a flag zone keep pvp flag because u simply unflag after u hit somebody inside it. Using acis latest rev
  3. So I've been working on an AuctionHouse and I've been wondering if there is a command I can add to define the grade of items people can add on AuctionHouse. Like this for example && !item.isEtcItem()) which I added so people can't sell etc items.. But I can't find what to add in order to define grade. I'm using Acis.
  4. Is there a possible way to make costumes like formal wear go over armor ? Like dressme ? btw!
  5. Well if it's not a feature then it's a cheat. The fact they can cheat aswell doesn't means its allowed
  6. One that admin gives a fuck about people playing inside. You are not that guy sadly.
  7. Says the one that makes people leave his server so he can close it.
  8. It returns this error. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: StatsSet : Integer value required, but found: null for key: id. Nevemind Changed id to Id and fixed it. Lock it thank you.
  9. Thank you good sir! Gonna try it and report back!
  10. Thank you Stinky. Couldn't addapt it can't understand ixmlreader adapt into this. Will keep trying tho. thanks.
  11. Is there anyone that has an IconTable.java and is willing to share it ? Or atleast the base so I can add the icons I want? Thanks.
  12. Good luck with your server ! BTW unless that's a new deathadder that I don't know about,the mouse on the photo is not a deathadder
  13. Yeah but that depends on what balance means to you. Also most mages in lineage2 never take bless shield-advanced block with their shield and complain about archer dmg.
  14. So does this pop-up when killing an x amount of mobs ? Doesn't pop up in pvp-raids(ex: baium-valakas) Sieges and etc? If that's how it works then this is a really "simple" yet so smart bot prevention. Even tho adding a working anti-bot nowdays just makes people not play your server. That's what we've come to. Forgive me if I'm late.
  15. That's actually all I did before I quited
  16. You don't get the idea do you. 95% of the people were farming B while we had full S. L2eu.com x7 lionna btw. Few years ago. The only pvp were mostly on epics. Untill 2/3 big sides quited coz crybabies. And server became pve untill b grade people farmed, didn't have that patience. But that's not the point I was trying to make.
  17. I've been always playing the game manually never botted in my life. And I've in the most geared in every server I've played including low servers. I've quited low rate server with 6k people because I had too much gear and there was no pvp coz everyone was farming. No offense but the things you are saying are around 300% false.
  18. Fixed. Lock please.
  19. Searched but didn't find anything helpful. I know its not that hard but couldn't manage to do it. I want to change arena so if you kill someone inside it you get a pvp point. No items. Just pvp. Using acis.
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