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lin2PK last won the day on February 3 2019

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About lin2PK

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Community Answers

  1. Hey there,i'm playin a server where phx logs normally,(some things work..). However adena is not dropable,and all items in general, any other way to dupe 'em ?
  2. Server is still rocking after the first week,closest thing to 'oldschool' gameplay for a long time. Dudes done some awesome job,online is stable around 200-300 at peak. Quests are valuable,smooth gameplay,helpful staff, no p2w donations,every class is playable. Finally a c6 server worthing,thank you for making us feel that lineage feel again,felt newly reborn this past week. Gz,keep rocking COTP!
  3. Hey,any script for automatic adena quests 20-25 level? interlude low rate server
  4. Nice attitude. Most don't even know the skills of their favourite classes,so be careful and choose wisely,gonna be a tough part,especially classes combo and the way skills will affect a character. Hope you'll find some nice team for your project,i give you a like for the attitude that you'd want anybody in,if they capable. Good luck!
  5. It happens to most of servers,no matter the community type and the chrocicle they use,wich is logical. I think that interlude community is not bad,it's just the servers try to extrude the few stable players with their bad administrative skills.Aiming only for donas or to satisfy their friends.Poor reasons to open a server,they just don't care,while community mostly,only wants to just play the game.
  6. Technically is possible,but ain't gonna happen.Time passed,ppl grew up,mindsets changed.You can still enjoy the money grabing servers wich will last more,or some weekly pvp servers for some quick fun.Game is not dead ofc,but most owners retard behaviours brought the whole thing to this point,oh and guess what,situation won't change,at least soon.
  7. Still,the question is why is this a big thing?.. Another corrupted server (if photos are true and not edited,cause seriously this can be done with painting edit). Why players keep stuck and repeat the same thing,a corrupted server,like 99% of 'em, if you like it stay,if not quit.Simple as that,no need anything more to prove here,period. Btw,photos look edit with right click-edit.(not saying it's not true but still..). Better prove it in-game and give items to randoms,would be a better option for you since you want to humiliate their server,or whatever. Imagine a topic full of complains for every,every corrrupted server,lol.Just stay if you like it,quit if you don't. So much noise for literally nothing.
  8. Server is rocking in terms of gameplay! oh, once again!
  9. Maybe,but still some phx actions worked in off files as well. Not to mention that they used to be more vulnerable to gameplay bugs than java servers.
  10. Spell force and battle force bugs to level 3 and stucked work in almost every server.So no big thing anyways,same for Snipe buff. By the way phx,seriously? with scripts 2k8.. 2k19 servers have big issues.. if that's true this server can be called a failure. Now somebody make a server for hlapex users lmao... Nice topic.
  11. What a big day,it's the 3d big day in a 15day period of re-opening your servers after rename. Good luck anyways,hope corruption shit don't happen like virtuality and furious,but please.
  12. go cmd type: ipconfig somewhere says IpV4-->This is the ip you should add at 'InternalHostName' open your ports correctly,and rdy to go..
  13. Hey there,so we're about to work on a lineage java server after a long time and i would like to ask you if the idea is attractive,or if you would just try or even play a server like this.Any comment would be appreciated,and of course any suggestion.Below is just the biggest part of the plan,but for sure some changes/addition will be done, Main Build idea: - The main purpose would be a simple and clean pvp based server,based on Interlude Chronicle. - Since nowadays it's hard to have a full server no matter how many players will be online,we think it's good to limit it. Gameplay areas will be limited as following : 1) Main Town: Dark Elven Village. 2) 3 Catacombs Zones, (1st zone for farm, 2nd zone for some Raid Bosses in it , 3d zone for pvp/pk). 3) Special Jail Zone for Mass PvP. Strong active market: - Gameplay's Economy: Based on Adenas,Gold Bars & Ancient Adenas. (customized prices). - Important Miscellaneous items will be rare and high worthing, hard to obtain. (Soul Crystals lvl 13,Lifestones,Bogs, Scrolls etc...). This way we'd like to have a strong market, high value items, active trades between players. Raid Bosses: - 4 Raid Bosses, with chances of dropping Raid Jewels, and/or items like lifestones,bogs,soul crystals,scrolls etc. - 1 Raid Boss for Noblesse status. - All raid bosses will require a number of 6 party members to enter.(All will be located in 2nd catacombs's zone.) Enchant System: - Safe Enchant: +3. - Max Enchant: +8. - 25% Normal scrolls, 35% for Blessed. - Augmentation chance for skill : 12%. - 1 Active Or 1 Passive. Rates: - XP,SP : x5000. - Adenas: x45. - Drop/Spoil: x2. - Seal Stones: x12. - Manor: x7. Others: - No Vote Reward system. - Starting 76 lvl. - A/S grade without SA, and need unseal. (will be on shop). - Shop with everything usefull. - Buffs Slots 22 + 2. Buffs duration set for 40 Minutes for all. - Sieges only for 3 Castles (Aden,Giran,Rune). - PvP Rewards. - Lottery system, customized prize for useful items.
  14. Let's hypothetically say that someone is willing to sell such project,the big question is, are you capable to keep it as it is? I mean, it's not just buying such project,but somehow you have to manage to keep it as good as it will be,and hold it's pressure.Good luck to your investment!
  15. l2virtuality, l2furious and now this in a a few days period.Sorry to say that,but both of your previous servers were corrupted,good luck to the server anyways.
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