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L2 TokTil

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L2 TokTil last won the day on March 9 2020

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    TokTil Dev

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  1. or you can just change two dot with one dot, so in the future if you rename the system folder you dint need to edit l2.ini again, example like this, im using this method arround 5 year without problem, you can rename folder system as u want
  2. From Updated Client date 2021-05-19 (https://eu.4game.com/lineage2/ or https://eu.4game.com/lineage2essence/) for those who already have clients updating on 2021-05-19, just download the system folder Download Here
      • 3
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  3. As Title says Download Here [Hidden Content] *ReShare, Credit By DeiversonDeveloP
  4. u need to send SocialActionPacket with id 2122 *sorry, im in wrongsection, this is for off section, i thinks is java
  5. run your sql file using db tool you use , like navicat or heidi sql , etc....
  6. u need to create manualy db name using heidi sql or navicat or etc db tool u use
  7. weapongrp armorgrp EtcItemgrp ItemName ItemStatData item_baseinfo AdditionalEffect thats for armor and weapon
  8. yes you can, just need a few minutes to edit xxx.dat
  9. System-Eu 286 2020-12-30
  10. Credit : Helionar You need to modify the properties of the new Static Mesh so the client knows which animation display on a selected throne. You will need to add to the StaticMesh the L2ServerObjectRealID (the ID on the XML) and change the L2ServerObjectType to EL2_CHAIR (throne) or EL2_TPCHAIR (character alt sitting anim, maybe from mystic tavern?). Be aware that the EL2_CHAIR type will change the heading on all the players on the KnowList to match the same heading of the sitting player. You will need tools to do this, mainly l2smr (for identifying the StaticMesh) and l2pe for everything else. It's not difficult at all! GL!
  11. WTS = Rent Pet Ride - Parsing Data Using xml - Speed, Fee ID, Fee Count changable in xml - Posibbility to make same NPC Id but Different in Speed, Fee ID, Fee Count - L2-Scripts, Mobius, etc - H5 - Homunculus For Who want to test, can connect to my test server using this client https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1D1Bs7HpmaJ6WVq7rCvzujiCr3Q67fVCo example video : https://prntscr.com/uwpbkc https://prntscr.com/uwpbkh https://prntscr.com/uwpbk7
  12. its not in html read here , im reply on that topic long time ago
  13. 1- we need to download "NWindow.dll" from Download Here Credit For Spoken 2- extracted "NWindow.dll" to your system folder 3- open l2.ini, then add "IsL2pawnviewer=true" under "URL" section Sample Video Thanks
  14. Here https://github.com/lordofdest/dateditor to work in protocol 196 to 235 u need to add auto use structure from 245/270 structure, just copy paste
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