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  1. the DoOS you can't ban it with anything, it will bring you to your knees every time, every time it comes in, it will break your service and drop you like every server drops you, but you can limit it, but you have to have a big budget to pay me the big companies for to sell you a Protection program and in the end to make all these expenses you will never get them from the community which is circulating here on the live stage because simply these Clans are paid and come to your service because you have offered them money and a small amount they will give you money will not be enough to pay even your connection and that at this moment it is online and has people just the big pages keep their Seven high with fake vodka votes which they also have fake people to show that they have people and uploading the pictures on facebook It's a fake And as I say again and again now that if there really were people this person wouldn't sell here is his server
  2. to buy a service 1000 EU think it is not too difficult It is something easy to deal with the problems it has after that are much bigger ie like dealing with DoOS Attack like no one has dealt with it 100% And also the big ones site which they have the upper hand in lineage is always there to close you when you open because quite simply they have all your information and without them you can't do anything because no one will know you and the biggest problem is there are no people playing anymore lineage is a dwindling game and in time it will shut down and disappear forever there is no reason anyone should pay for such an expensive server and do something you will regret for the rest of your life So Who is the reason to buy this thing Why. and these big servers which are measured in fingers have a bot program fake characters So to show that they have a lot of people and that their server is top And that the Watts are really so much and that so many people play it It's all a lie there is a big very small community which works through discord and they are paid Clan which they pay to play and there are some people who fall victim and go and play and donate to the servers but these are a huge FAIL which people understand it with time and leave the game once and for all because quite simply some took care to close it and make this game disgusting and these big servers which are measured in fingers have a bot program fake characters So to show that they have a lot of people and that their server is top And that the Watts are really so much and that so many people play it It's all a lie there is a big very small community which works through discord and they are paid Clan which they pay to play and there are some people who fall victim and go and play and donate to the servers but these are a huge FAIL which people understand it with time and leave the game once and for all because quite simply some took care to close it and make this game disgusting
  3. today a server over 100 is not worth it because today there are no players to play and secondly a person who will open a server has to face a thousand and two problems one attack from Attack can take the server offline in seconds and one who has given so much money he will see his hard work destroyed Also he will have to find people and well to play on the server and which ones are with dropper there will be no people to play and also he will have to give a lot of money for ads and so on which the this effort will be wasted, there is no one to play seven anymore, think about the shops that have all kinds of things, no one buys them, it's not worth it And also the big sites like topzones and hopzones are a big scam these big sites All they want is money and they have all the elements of your service which they make the first people to hit you because they just have their own servers and own servers always have people if things really weren't like this this man here would have it running and now it would have people in it It just doesn't have people and he saw that it's not worth it and then whoever buys it will definitely regret it and you'll sell it for half price but don't buy this wait for someone soft who will have bought it and you will get it even cheaper thanks
  4. so as it does not exist in here dev and you will not find and if you find you will find scammers or people who know the code well but will never serve you because they simply have their own servers
  5. I personally do not understand why you constantly post things while you do not support them many times I have seen your customers ask you something and they are ignored What is your purpose to be here.
  6. it seems to me a trustworthy man a man who writes a text that he does this without mentioning his work and showing his work You can not trust him..
  7. Unfortunately to bad experiences in the past, you're about to go first with the payment. After I received the money you'll get the download link for your graphic. that you had bad experiences in the past this does not make you an honest person we will think the same for you how can someone pay you and then see the job and if this job and if this job is never delivered and you get the money or or this job you have done It can be very bad and the customer doesn't like it So there are many things that someone may not trust you and please if you do this job put a price list.
  8. I have the impression that you are not uploading this code to do us the favor of getting to know us, you just want to improve your password in the audience... I don't have you for such a good person Because what you have donated here is all in your interest
  9. looking for partners. So I have a server which is without problems and is hi5 pack this service is often online and most problems are fixed I even have a website to achieve a service today it takes a lot of effort, knowledge, time and a good team if you think you have any of this send me a message
  10. Καλησπέρα Θα ήθελα ένα σοβαρό τύπο το οποίο θα μπορούμε να χτίσουμε ένα server μαζί και να μοιράσουμε και τα έξοδα όποιος συμφωνεί με αυτό στείλτε μου ένα μήνυμα
  11. Hello all Maxcheaters Members.. i would like to rebuild a server hi5 x50 .. i want to let you know that i have a pack which i have been working on for 3 years and have uploaded it online it is a clean pack No problems with many fixes. All we can do is simply meet the needs that we can and what the world is asking for. you'll be able to find me on Skype here L2HERO JONI
  12. Σας σε όλους. Ψάχνω ένα συνεργάτη το οποίο θα κτίσουμε ένα server ΗΙ5 με έτοιμο Pack και δουλεμένο εδώ και τρία χρόνια online όποιος θέλει θα μπορούσε να μου στείλει ένα μήνυμα Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες στείλτε μήνυμα εδώ
  13. You do not have to be too smart or understand this code is easy if you read here in this forum you will see that everything is easy you have to give meaning to yourself and Do not let some manage your computer Why so you will never learn And as far Kara`his one is concerned, I can now send tons but I know a lot of cases where people have lost their money which With his false promises took a lot of money and are written here in this forum
  14. you know very well that many have accused you here that you stole them That can not be denied by anyone because we have read all your comments to learn to say the truth
  15. I do not mean that I mean the rest of the clients who fool them and took them money is written all over here on this forum and whoever wants to read your background yourself tell you Good evening
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