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Everything posted by eotrix

  1. I don't play the server anymore so I want to sell the account as a whole rather than selling Adena/gold coz it's more safe. Char has Dino Bow 300 and Dino Jewel2 armor 900. Beside that a lot of resources like Stones, GC etc. Price: 650 Euros I accept BinancePay and Wise Transfer only. Discord: copcu123
  2. Hello everyone. Let me briefly tell the story and then check the screen proofs. I made a purchase of an account on Funpay for x1 Scryde and they delivered the account. I bought the account for the items presented, I did not care about the character. I then transferred a few items to my main character and continued playing. Suddenly the Seller threatened me to give the account back or report to Scryde VIP customer support. Since I lost a lot of money with this and even refunded after I lost so much commission I paid. In what world do you forcefully and threatfully take back what you sold, right? Anyways I gave it back but I kept a few items since at that time "I was the owner". It's not account hijack, it's not hacking or scamming. I made the payment, bought it, and then in the very short time they forcefully and threatfully took it back. I reported the Seller to Scryde since selling accounts is prohibited. Look what I get as a response ) https://prnt.sc/MFFKfhJ5Lk5y https://prnt.sc/MOYQrOpppA4T So I asked them that If I lose some items during RMT/Account selling, will you recover them for me as you did for your VIP customer? They went quiet after this. VIP customers have them in their pockets and Imagine if you kill a PK VIP and get item drop, they will most probably get that item from you and give it back to VIP customer as well. Corruption at its best. Here you can see the proofs I presented to them. Showing that he's selling the account and all items, STILL. Scryde says "we do not accept 3rd party website proof" and yet they show me same Funpay screens about Refunded money :))) They try everything to justify taking my items and giving them to their VIP after banning me. https://prnt.sc/OL7DIVYXbSbX This one also shows that I bought the account and take the ownership after. https://prnt.sc/Wsc0xkvxj1QN This one shows that he actually even showed me the character eventually https://prnt.sc/azQs_mwyS5oQ https://prnt.sc/-CskARg3r81V Long story short, they refused all proofs about account selling with "3rd party website" and then take my items and give them to Account seller VIP after banning me by saying "3rd party website shows you are refunded after" I paid, I bought it and then it was mine. Then they forcefully and threatfully take it back. I'm also okay getting banned for account buying but I did not Hijack or hack into anyone account to scam items. I transferred some items of MY CHARACTER I BOUGHT. At the end Scryde recovered the "so called" lost items of Account Seller VIP occurred during RMT/Account Selling action Every day I will post these kinds of topics everyday until people realize how corrupted they are before playing Scryde. I also saw another post showing proof of Scryde owning Hopezone too, explains a lot^^
  3. You can close now, accounts are sold.
  4. Hi, Account #1 EE - Eva's Saint 78 Tallum Robe Set Mj Jewel Set 2 C grade weapon - Acu and Conv. Kooka ready for HB Update 45kk+ Adena A Lot of Quest item and goodies on WH Have Dress! VIP Clean Mail, will deliver also. Price: 120 USD - SOLD Account #2 Warlord 51 Composite Armor VIP Price: 35 USD * CANCELLED Account #3 Phantom Summoner 43 Naked Price: 25 USD * CANCELLED We can use MiddleMan you pay for it. Pufastore MM is trusted. I accept Paypal, Crypto Add me on discord to have a conversation. NamariChanke#1089
  5. I can pay 200 euro. Let me know if interested
  6. Hello, I recently quit playing L2Reborn and decided to sell my accounts. I have 3 accounts so far Account 1. 42 P.Summoner - Naked Account 2. 47 Warlord - Naked Account 3. 52 SPH - Karmian Set - 4kk adena and many materials/stuff Add discord Infection#7235
  7. Definitely amazing design, project. I hope you get the attention you deserve. It would be sad to see such server fail coz of lack of advertisement. We will be here as a CP. Good luck mate !
  8. Seems like an amazing design. I hope you can get enough online for it to work. Advertisement matters the most nowadays
  9. UP ! Still on sale ! Will give them away for cheap ! Ask price in discord and if you find a better price then I will give it all for free !
  10. Yeah really great devs and seems cool server
  11. WTS 710 TODS and 500KK+ ADENA and MJ.H. SET and MJ.R. SET PM HERE REPLY OR ADD DISCORD I was just a player there so my CP disolved and I wanna sell whatever left on my char. Infection#7235
  12. I have sold many items on other servers. We can do little little or all in, I dont mind. As long as you pay for the middleman Im okay with that too. I have quite a lot stock, Im planning to sell cheapest. If you say my price is higher than any web site around, just show it to me and I will do even much more less. Stock Update: 30B Adena(17B LEFT) Price: 17 B LEFT, ALL FOR 10 USD! NOTE: Please come skype and ask price, discounts because I just wanna sell and get over it instead of waiting for it everyday. Add skype: live:selimytu
  13. Im figuring out how to decompile the files but I dont know what to do after. Please let me know if you decide to crack it or somehow get the fix..
  14. I at least wanna know which file causes that error. Is it interface.u or xdat? Or both of them? Which parameter needs to be changed?
  15. Client Crashes With Deadz Interface Patch after selecting character to Enter game. The error I think is realated to interface.u and interface.xdat files but I was not able to fix to get Deadz working. Here is the screenshot of the error. If anyone wants to help modifying and fixing the error, I could share the requires files when asked.
  16. Deadz does not work unless unlocked or cracked somehow. I know some people use it right now on Beta. It would help many people including me if anyone have(or can crack) a working Deadz or Deadz like interface for L2Tales.
  17. Sell, get adena, weapon, Att, enchants? It helps mate. Helps shit tons but I never whine about donations, its business afterall. I just never prefer PVPing against money lords.
  18. True but I am not interested in mass PVP since I saw in beta there are shit tons of known no life donators coming into Tales. Not interested in mass pvp against 5k euro donators. Its just I dont like just damaging around, I like to use my brain a little more time to time and use my debuffs.
  19. Not gonna lie, I was gonna play tales with my 6 other friends. We wanted to try it out in Beta to see how things work. The result was highly disappointing. The balance seems so weird. I would say its balanced only if Berserker was not a class in lineage 2. That shit hits more than 10k damage in Tales and there is no way to control that. By that I mean, %90 of the debuffs in game aint working. They never land, they never land at +30 either. Imagine you are a necromancer and your gloom, vampiric mist does not work. Fear ruins the PVP so I dont even mention it but even gloom, come on? One doombringer can own a full party alone since you wont be able to CONTROL/SLOW him with your debuffs. Rush, 2 auto dead, rush 2auto dead etc etc. These all things made me hesitate joining tales. I dont care even 1 million players play there. Because I know myself that I wont drag my people into a crazily unbalanced server where only damage matters like its a freaking C4 client.(even C3-C4 times we had some debuffs and were actually using them)
  20. Tell me that did not happen. I was there when this happened. Keep your lies to yourself you corrupted kid.
  21. Full bugs and corrupted admin. Last siege the some castle's defenders got dC at the last minute but all attackers did not xd They lost the castle thank to admin dcing all the defenders at the same time while attackers was all fine. Secondly GM/admin pms randomly to players about random stuff. Like nothing is serious here. Just a crap server and you can see it with the online count. First month was 3k+ with less boxes and now people play with 2+boxes everywhere and barely 1.5k haha. Shityy admins shitty administration corrupted server
  22. Its full of russians and there is no English language rule so leave it. Same reason I changed my mind starting here. Waste of time, %95 russians and full russian words flying around.
  23. Seems promising, will give it a go
  24. I wish you good luck but your server is gonna be a russian server, not international. You will see it eventually and It will be when its dead. I have seen plenty of servers like your's that says they are international but the truth is russians rule and decide what happens in your server. You wont have English speking players in your server after top 2 months because of the reasons I have wrote down below. You gonna get tilted by full of russian letters on the chat, market and party rooms. You will be able to communicate to only %5 or less of the server's population. Before starting here, accept that this server is a russian majority server with no English rule in it so dont get disappointed. You wont find a clan that speaks your language and if you find one, be sure that they will leave soon. I have never seen an International clan live and get strong in a russian server, never; not even once. You can flame me but truth is truth, russians dont speak English as a preference or an ignorance I dont know so if you have the stomach to deal with it start by knowing that you are alone in it. What happens when russians prefer speaking their own language? An English speaking player will have only access to "VERY LIMITED PORTION" of the server's market coz he/she wont understand a shit from the trade chats, party rooms or private stores that is all in russian.
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