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Everything posted by Dippindots

  1. Nice WoW Commands
  2. how to put both in hands...?i dont understand
  3. nice share ... is usefull
  4. i am sorry for this replay , but dose someone knows how can i be informed in game about the raid boss respaw... Please !?
  5. Is there any script for system , that allow's you to see when any raid boss spawns ? like when ur in Game. on the chat shows you : Cherub Galaxia has respawned. ( or smt like this ) is there posible something like this ? becouse some people sayed it is posible. Please if someone knows how to make ... Thx a very much !!
  6. very interesting guide ;D
  7. try the newest rev of umbrella
  8. thx i download it , and im rdy to test it .. ===== EDIT ===== You aer either not carrying out your quest or don't meet the criteria .... what is this ? i ned something to put in guests ? ___ini___ ?
  9. Hello , I searched All Over the MaxCheaters i havent finded a De-Level NPC, That delevels ur char...i want to make something like " When u Speack With that NPC it says to you : I Want To De-Level Me! (or somthing like this) Is There Anyone Who knows how to make one...( Simple ) or dose anyone have this NPC to share it.. !? i will w8 for some answers! Thx
  10. i think autokick and autoban are for ur safty , but i think u can find them in config
  11. if u can search in the KvN Mode , there are some configs u might change... there u can find "how to change name" just try to search a little
  12. interesting , Good job ;D
  13. Hello, i am new on this forum, maby is not corenct where i posted , but i havent find anything about webpages, so i posted here. I Dont know if is allowed to post websites for l2. I hope u will not be mad on me. This is my 1st release , I wish u like it. Thx New Web Page ! http://img90.imageshack.us/my.php?image=l2bluelo0qa9.png [ Download L2 Blue Angel v1 ] ( Mirror 1 ) [ Download L2 Blue Angel v1 ] ( Mirror 2 ) Credits For scripts gos to madgizmo
  14. i will try with PARTY becouse i dont know how to make a Grief skill
  15. Hello, i am using the last emu rev Interlude, many players can use hacks, and i dont know how to stop it, my firewall is up..is there a metod to make a Patch wich creates a exe and only by that exe can enter the game and i have some problems with overbuffs, many players are overbuffing other players and distroy their good buffs, is there a way to stop buffing ? only in party !? outside from the party all buffs iggnored , without the buffs for NPC BUFFER... is there a way?
  16. nice share , sexy elf
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