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Everything posted by AnitahIsBack

  1. no chance if i play olys too unlucky
  2. 2k18 and ppl still playing this f1-f2-f3 chronicle?XD
  3. oh, the " one of the oldest and most famous projects of Lineage II " have sucks geodata :D
  4. Dont buy faken Buy it here: Rlly trusted guy :D
  5. u get scammed rlly hard
  6. drugs i think
  7. retail XDDDDDDD if ncsoft try this server, they all suicide
  8. pls, how much oly server exists? 1 more? 2 more? and prob only russians server xD
  9. ya true, this is the unique l2 low rate server in the 300 l2 game years
  10. 2 gay skin i like it :D
  11. idk, you are who is playing in his server or some 1 copy you name :(
  12. Main problem of this "server" is admins, for any reason they think server is balanced, and it's not even close to being
  13. After lot of time without play l2 we tryed this server, the same shit from the last time xD
  14. no idea about what u talking XD
  15. free version works in alot of servers if u know how xD but i dont know :( unlucky
  16. we hope skylordky have better ddos protection this time :)) And who the fuck open a server in 2018, and use a photo of server in 2015? xD pls
  17. You still being a fun guy xDDD
  18. tru storky
  19. Nice history, no 1 in this forum is trusted care xd
  20. i hope u balanced the server :D
  21. who gonna play here with rpg-club on and other low rates srv? xdd
  22. Best antibot = Me I ban al all easy, np
  23. 2k18 and u still here?XDDD
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