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Everything posted by KejbL

  1. When u dont have good community = server die for 1 week Not pay for sides = server die for 1 week Its today reality for L2 man but GL
  2. Server dont need good files... need good community L2mid have best pts files and now on start have 50-100 online
  3. Hi all, some1 know how can make bypass for smartguard when protection check .dat/.u files and cant edit it bcs later game not start and write corrupted files ? I think this protection check hash for file.... any way for use original hash file for new file ? Thx.
  4. try write to https://acis.i-live.eu/ or acis discord...
  5. WTS Patch L2dex x30: - Change basic animations - ALL heals = BoA effect - Off all OL buffs effect - New icons HS and OL buffs - ALL AOE skills = Wind Shackle effect - Change all skills lvl Price: 10e or items ingame
  6. i think u need edit server files side too... bcs for interlude missing cmd for this set
  7. Why send money ? I give 0euro and have all items
  8. Server with AAC and on spots full adrenaline ppls Admins still drunk or sleeping ?
  9. im not use this files yeah its sh1t bcs this files what u share not working
  10. Working or its only trash share ?
  11. For l2off i think cant use it... only for java files
  12. yeah still have this problem...
  13. Hi, some1 can help me to change icon for l2.exe ? when i change it later cant start game bcs give me error... thx https://mega.nz/file/xYETnCgA#YfjzjJqeZs2Kc9FUA4dUPaZVWt_W7cxnG6Ni932xJmA
  14. @Asuki @NevesOma
  15. For interlude impossible without edits .dll files...
  16. Hi man, LF skilled interface dev with time... need add debuffs features on target wnd for mobs/players PM here or write me to discord thx.
  17. find line for item id 8922... change this 4294967295 10 8 0 0 19 1 to 4294967295 10 8 0 0 17 1
  18. Must edit textures in line for item... maybe @NevesOma can make fix for it... Can stay type hairstyle when use cap ?
  19. When u have .uc files u can make all this things For side buttons add new cmd and for teleport use server bypass...
  20. Hi, i copy patch from L2acdc but have problem with 2 things... HP indicator, target animation... some1 know fix it ? i think need edit .dll files for it. Or its working it here in this patch ? thx
  21. Hi some1 know how can export Classes and Dependencies from LineageSkillEffect.u for Classic client ? or how can set UE explorer for it ? I use UE explorer but this soft export only engine and core... thx
  22. maps is free but u must buy geodata...
  23. check skill id 444
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