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About Majkic

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  1. As the title says, buying bladedancer lvl 58+, prefer naked payment: Paypal contact skype: live:mamuti1231
  2. https://forum.innadril.com/threads/donation-shop.130/ See now? All about the money :)
  3. Lots of effort was put in this project, everybody can see that trully. Too bad it's another p2w server
  4. As the title says, I'm buying adena on melcosoft interlude nationa x0.3
  5. Can't wait to try it out, been waiting for a while for a server like this, maybie 0.1x rates would be better. But if there will be good amout of people playing is also ok probably. Defenetly gonna try it out and see. Max lvl 39 is just a 1st chaper? and will later on be able to lvl up further?
  6. I had one of the most amazing experiences with this guy, I hired him as driver, and whole time while it lasted, I was notified every detail what he was doing. Really quality, honest and professional work from him, I can't imagine the possibility of getting a better service than from him. 100X trusted from my side
  7. Scammer, here are the proofs: @MeVsYou
  8. Like I said, confirmed scammer. Beware
  9. Just a reminder to all possible buyers, yesterday someone was selling same lvl pp for 80eur and he was a scammer. and this account was made today on the forum, so probably the same person
  10. Accounts:Tyrant lvl 67,70% top C jewels +3, full plate set, all skills learned, full 2x WH of LOA items ( 2 years of VIP 4 remaining), 50% xp rune for 14 days more 240eur PP lvl 61, all skills learned, Karmian set, top C weapon, with shield ( vip 3) 180eur BD lvl 63, all skills, vip 4 180eur SWS 47 naked charr, all skills, vip 4, 50% xp rune 20 more days 50eur Gladiator 49 naked, vip 4 50eur DA lvl 61, full heavy avadon set, SLS +3, C jew vip 4 + 10kk adena 150eur WC 57, C set armor, all skills learned, vip 2 150eur Bishop lvl 60, all skills, karmian set, C jews vip 4 160eur All charrs, were lvled with live players, our whole group is moving from serverItems: Dual sls+sls, top B weap 100eurBW heavy set SOLDFisted Blade +12 augumented ( 274 P.Atk) SOLD FP set 25eurIf anyone interested, send me an offer or question on PM or add me on skype live:mamuti1231, I accept only Paypal. Have a nice day
  11. As title says, I'm buying adena on Gludio server, PM me price and stock, thanks
  12. Fastest trade I've ever had, really nice and trusted guy!
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