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HowardStern last won the day on December 29 2017

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About HowardStern

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  1. u can connect in lower protocol?
  2. etcitemgrp.dat -> adena crucial file itemname -> adena name is located there
  3. edw exoume legendary ton splicho, o kara sas enoxlise.. legendary o splicho kserw gw pou oute o idios den kserei pios ine
  4. And from where will you get the formulas from? Nobody ever opened the l2server.exe , everything you have is not even close if you think about it
  5. Hello, i adapted in my Extender the drop from Trevorj the only problem i face is when items are on group it shows this weird numbers https://prnt.sc/EKMQqleho8Ku when item is single it shows the % normally. Can someone guide me, some people told me it is HTML issue but i doubt it, i think something is wrong on the calculation.. it should so for example 1/100 mobs or something like that.
  6. Missing agros. Athena makes a server with 700+ thats insane man
  7. athena ... pfff l2jeternity not interlude advext supports interlude with gf core. not really an interlude as they still have some ai issues it seems and its not java too its pts extender..
  8. ok yes to specific ids ( boss jewls , armors and weapons) ! can u pm me the price and a pp mail and you will send it to me via pm
  9. we must use this on interface? cant it be without interface fixing?
  10. Hi , is there someone that can guide me on how to or do this? I only speak for the Item Drop https://prnt.sc/XEi_4y67lIKT
  11. seems like lucera essence
  12. please share compiled aswell
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