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Charm3R last won the day on January 17 2018

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  1. Yes indeed, you need to manually add the npc in xml. Thank you both, can be locked.
  2. As the title says, when i manually restart the server everything that i spawned, npcs, mobs and etc disappears, not the original npcs, but the addons. Rev is aCis 399. Any thoughts what could caused it? Thanks in advance.
  3. It isn't about fixing, its about importing. This line is missing from the code. I add the import line in GameServer.Java, and it builds with no errors. Thanks a lot to all of you.
  4. First of all, thank you all three. Just tried to apply the fresh code, but it gives me this one error : https://imgur.com/a/khl7etN. I already made DressMeData.java file but it keeps givin me this error, any thoughts what caused it? Plus i had few more errors with this line : import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.ai.type.BootAi; in CharInfo, UserInfo ,but i delete it, with no errors in the code, guess it's an unnecessary line!? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello once again. Recently tried to apply this skin code:(https://pastebin.pl/view/61885863), but with no success since as it seems is written for previous versions of aCis. This code is written by StinkyMadness and Williams, but, is there any chance of helping me adapt it for the current versions, like 401+ ? If so i would be so glad. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello there, lately i was trying to apply a custom mod in aCis pack, but this error showed up, although the code was applied smoothly with no other errors but this : https://imgur.com/a/lpYxLKQ. Sadly i don't know the aCis exact reversion but this code is for 370+. Since everything went good, i suppose its 370 or little later. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  7. Is this code functional?
  8. Hello guys. I recently started working on a acis project and i found one bug. Whenever i talk, either to global, trade, hero, or normal chat, my character talks normally but it keeps showing this, and i'm not in refusal mode. Any thoughts? Any help would be truly appreciated. Photo example : https://imgur.com/a/hjqAxwb Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello there, as the title says, im looking for a global chat "fix" and by fix, i mean to make it functional again because it does not work, either with pvp limit or not. The pack is frozen. Plus, i was wondering if i can edit/add a "welcome message" when a character enters the game like the photo below. If anyone can help me i would be grateful. "Welcome message photo : https://imgur.com/a/bCjNeLe Thanks in advance.
  10. Litteraly cringe. I'am just using these packs to try things, not to go on a live server with such an unstable pack of yours, or maybe not, dear uhm, Tryskell. Anyways, someone lock this topic, its obvious that these guys cant even help their own people, so they wont help me either .Have a good day, and keep destroying the forum with such a "knowledge" xD
  11. I installed the sql file for the database that the acis pack had already in the folder. I dont get it why so many tables are missing. I mean, i ran correctly the database installer, plus, the full_install.sql and gs_install.sql
  12. Well, recently decided to work on acis, everything is fine, except this issue: https://imgur.com/a/ouOSn84 Any thought,opinion and help appriciated. Thanks in advance.
  13. Any chance to update the link? Thanks in advance.
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