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Everything posted by czWannabe

  1. already posted and turn off your caps lock >.<
  2. omg its in russian language maybe this would help... http://translate.google.com/ omg i wasn't able to translate it :( it's a pity... this program might be usefull
  3. dont work on my server (gracia part 2), it's probably fixed on most of the new servers even zariche+akamanah together dont work :(
  4. i wanted to try it, but i dont wanna get banned :P
  5. PR is nice, but it has low HP, so the best is HE
  6. nice site, but the new background is horrible
  7. despite the fact that i bug only at HR, it's useless for me... dont wanna get banned on LR servers :D
  8. focus is the best choice, but on fullbuff you should have 500 crit rate even without focus SA, than QR would be better
  9. yeah the link is dead... it would be nice to reupload it
  10. works on my server, its simillar to reloging in oly in interlude imo..
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