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About Hueyesnap

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  • Gender
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi, Need a PP or a WC in Giran server for buffs. Nothing special, cheap without anything on it would be fine.
  2. Hi, how much will cost to plevel my char from 43 to 76 on Giran? thx
  3. if you find another iss hiero 101 lvl let me know please
  4. Looking for an ISS Hierophant on CORE-Ramona server. No need items on it. PM
  5. Sell any items or just accounts? Cheers
  6. Pm me for info on adena. i buy 10b adena on server core for good price.
  7. Othell lvl 100 and 34% with dual YULL lvl 97 - naked or with gear PM for info on skype: iacobescuvali
  8. I am selling on Ramona server my WYNN 99 and 37% fully geared with: +3/4 Seraph light set atribute 120 and 60 +7 shadow retri with 210 holy atri ruby 3, opal 3, tanza 2 and 20 EUR worth of boxes 5 rune stones, lots of other stuff in wh worth around 300kk I also have ISS bd lvl 100 with Seraph heavy set and +7 shadow duals PM in skype: iacobescuvali Can sell naked chars if you want!
  9. I am selling on Ramona server my WYNN 99 and 37% fully geared with: +3/4 Seraph light set atribute 120 and 60 +7 shadow retri with 210 holy atri ruby 3, opal 3, tanza 2 and 20 EUR worth of boxes 5 rune stones, lots of other stuff in wh worth around 300kk I also have ISS bd lvl 100 with Seraph heavy set and +7 shadow duals PM in skype: iacobescuvali Can sell naked chars if you want!
  10. I am buying Evi, Yull or Dagger on Ramona. Please pm me if you have for sale.
  11. interested in buying
  12. Hi, i am interested in buying adena
  13. Wtb acc on Ramona server lvl 99+ Please pm me with info on skype: iacobescuvali
  14. Very professional guy would recommend to anyone. Bought only 1b but will buy more after holidays. Keep up the good work!
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