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Everything posted by xXxExosoulerxXx

  1. Topic Edited i just added a site to learn about java!!!!!!
  2. wreo guide an kai einai aplo na ftiaxeis ena shop anyway pistevw 8a voi8isei polous
  3. very nice programs dude.Downloading.......
  4. Amazing share spyro ;p i think that you deserved the karma!!
  5. nice i will test it but i think that you post in wrong section.it may be in off topics
  6. This is a small javascript that changes an image on mouseover. Run your mouse on the image above to see the rollover effect. The image contains a link and is a great script for any webpage. The mouseover script is also useful for those learning javascript. Have a look at the code and see how easy it is to follow. Installation: STEP 1. Make 2 images which you would like to display. You can name them #1 and #2 if you wish and they can be jpg or gif format. Upload the images to your server. STEP 2 Copy the code below and paste this between the <head> and </head> tags of your html document. Point the script to where the images reside on your webhost. By this I mean change image source lines: image1.src = 'images/rollover1.jpg' and image2.src='images/rollover2.jpg' The lines in red should show where your images are stored and your image name. The example shows that my images are stored in the images folder and the names are rollover1.jpg and rollover2.jpg. You may need to use your full url such as http://wwww.yoursite.com/image1.jpg <script language="Javascript"> <!-- http://l2justice.servegame.com if (document.images) { image1 = new Image image2 = new Image image1.src = 'images/rollover1.jpg' image2.src = 'images/rollover2.jpg' } --> </script> STEP 3. Copy the code below and paste this into the body of your html document, where you want the images to appear on your webpage. Again change the image source to suit at this line; img src="images/rollover1.jpg" (Note that you only need to change the image1 here. The second image is called by the script.) <a href="http://l2justice.servegame.com" onMouseOver="document.rollover.src=image2.src" onMouseOut="document.rollover.src=image1.src"> <img src="images/rollover1.jpg" border=0 name="rollover"></a> That's it. Good luck.
  7. Interpid really good share thank you ;)just keep up
  8. can i ask? this work in l2jfree IL or only works in Gracia?
  9. very good share my friend but i would like to ask you if i use this code guys who are playing in the same internet cafe which uses 1 ip they will can go to oly battle? i am right??
  10. exartate file to idos tou npc px an valeis eidos L2Merchant sto vazeis html/merchant kai ta loipa.. elpizw na voi8isa
  11. cobra efxaristw poli file ;) alla egw otan lew anti-walker enow anti-bot na min boroun na botaroun!!! @off-topic psaxnw kapion ebiro apo java developer
  12. very nice guide i was looking for that!!!.just keep up mate
  13. guys i need the java code to disable walker. i have the last version of L2JFree IL ty in advance
  14. very nice program ty mate but give screenshot for the others.we should know what we download!
  15. so i can keep it update?because i dont know yet if it is legal
  16. αρκετα ενδιαφερον ετσι?? λειτουργει αψογα!! ..xp sp2.. ουτε μετατροπεις,ουτε τιποτα μονο το καλωδιο του(usb),και ετοιμο...δωρακι για εσας (δεν εχω δοκιμασει δονηση ακομα) 1.download and install the filter driver(libusb-win32-filter-bin- (attached zip) 2. Unpack ps3sixaxis_en.exe 3. Plug the SIXAXIS into your pc. 4. Run ps3sixaxis_en.exe once. 5. Push the PS button on the SIXAXIS once if it doesnt see it straight away. αν κανετε calibration test απτον πινακα ελεγχου,πατηστε στην οθονη καλιμπραρισματος το ps button κ μετα λειτουργει! Download Credits:vageladosgr
  17. i dont know i think not guys if it illegal someone delete it
  18. As i mentined in the subject i ' ll upload with you guys some Greek books which will help you to learn!!! PHP_MySQL_Apache.pdf Εισαγωγη στη Java Java Φτιάξε ένα Web Site Η Δίωξη των Χάκερ if you dont have pdf reader download this PDF READER I will keep the topic updated.More books Soon!!! I hope that i helped you!!!
  19. vote!!!!!!!
  20. loipon signwmi gia to diplo post to provlima li8ike telika eftege pou eixa allaxei template id se 3 npcs eleos!!! kapios as lock to topic kai pali signwmi gia to double
  21. file o servr einai l2j interlude kai sigekrimena l2jarchid rev 358 to system einai mia xara gt stin arxh me to idio system den eixame tetio problem para mono liga poli liga criticals EDIT AT 19/1/2009 evala mysql 5.0 alla akoma trwne criticals ti prepei na kanw?
  22. geia sas pedia xrisimopiw l2jarchid rev 358 an kai skopevw na valw rev 366 anyway eno ola itan mia xara simera arxisan na trone oloi criticals xwris na exei ginei kapia allagh sta files tis gk i sto system boreite na m peite ti borei na fteei? xrisimopiw mysql 5.1
  23. As i mention in the title i have a l2jarchid pack and i have a problem with the skills.To be more specific a lot of skills dont exist.could someone share with me the fixes or a part of the fix or tell me how i can fix it Y.p sorry for my bad english ;)
  24. my friend your buffer is really cool surely i will use it in my event ;p
  25. i have a problem with TvT in the l2jarchid last rev.the tvt was loaded correctly but when the event start the npc of andromeda was appear instead of tvt manager Y.p in the config there is the correct id (70010)
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